Scripture and Power: Unlocking the Voice with Molly Trotter
NOV 20, 2023
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Episode 221
Imagine having the power to create an impact with your voice, even in a short time frame. That's exactly what Molly Trotter, co-founder of the Girl Power Alliance, teaches women to do every day. From her exhilarating stint in the television industry to her now thriving role as a voice and confidence coach, Molly's journey is nothing short of inspiring. In our conversation, we explore her unique path, and how she made the leap from network marketing to empowering women around the world.

Molly's knack for powerful speaking and her passion for equipping others with this skill is truly remarkable. We deep dive into the world of storytelling and how critical it is to bridge the gap between who we are and what we sell. But it doesn't stop there. Molly shares her experiences at the Radiant Speaker Academy, a platform that has helped many women, including herself, unlock their voice and speak powerfully. We then traverse the terrain of unlocking financial freedom through our passions and serving others, a topic that Molly is particularly passionate about.

The essence of our conversation, however, lies in the power of scripture. Molly beautifully illustrates how connecting passion with scripture can be an incredibly motivating force, especially when feeling voiceless. We explore the importance of looking inward for answers and relying on God’s guidance. With Molly's experiences and insights, we aim to inspire you to find your voice, build confidence, and empower others. Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion that promises to leave you feeling motivated and empowered.
Follow Molly on Instagram molly_trotter

Welcome to The Kingdom Mentor Podcast, where your voice takes center stage! We're all about helping you find, share, and market your unique voice. Get ready to elevate your impact and step into your Kingdom purpose. 

Kingdom Mentor Podcast

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