What Your Heart Chakra Needs to Help You Manifest Your Purpose
JAN 10
Description Community

Have you heard the saying that Spirit speaks to you as the ‘still, small voice?’ Well, in my experience, the ‘still, small voice’ of Spirit is actually your own Heart Chakra. Your Heart Chakra is whispering to you all day long…saying ‘Oooo, I would love to travel to Bali!’ or ‘Salsa dancing looks like fun…let’s do that!’

Those whisperings are the key to knowing and fulfilling your purpose! If you are one of the few who act on this guidance, congratulations! But if you are like most people, you don’t act on it, and then convince yourself that you "don’t know" your purpose.

In this encore episode, I share some ‘tough love’ about this belief that you ‘don’t know’ what you really want, and show you how it’s actually an issue within your energy system. I will also share how you can begin to address this energy imbalance and change your results.

Are you ready to heal this imbalance once and for all? To find out if working together is a fit for you, click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me.


Key Learnings:

  1. Your purpose is much more than your job or career! It is what your soul came here to embody and experience. You have been “doing” your purpose since the day you were born.

  2. Your Heart Chakra speaks to you as the “still, small voice” that whispers… ‘I would love to do that or travel there or learn that…’ If your Solar Plexus is not strong enough to support your heart’s longing, it will talk you out of it, every time!

  3. The medicine of the Solar Plexus is empowerment. What can  you do to empower yourself? Here are some examples: set boundaries, ask for something you really want (like a raise or asking someone on a date), do something that is affirming for yourself.

“Your Heart Chakra knows what will make you happy. But if your Solar Plexus isn’t strong, it will talk you out of your dreams, every time.”


Want to take the next step? Let’s set up a time to talk: Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting

If you love the image on the wall behind me of Mother Mary Blessing the World, you can order your own museum quality copy at www.deepaliu.com 

