For Ever - Beautiful Biodiverse Biodynamic Dry-Farmed AmByth Estate with Gelert Hart
AUG 07, 2023
Description Community

My guest for this episode is Gelert Hart of AmByth Estate in the Templeton Gap region of Paso Robles. Implicit in the idea of permaculture is the idea of "forever." It contains the goal of building a culture that can last. AmByth is two Welsh words that mean ForEver, and this adds another dimension to the term. What if we thought of our actions, our creations, as gifts for the future? How would that shape the way we grow and make wine? What would that mean for the kind of viticulture we would practice?

In the case of AmByth, it means that their vineyards are head-trained & dry-farmed on steep hillsides since planting, certified organic and biodynamic, and biodiverse with inter-plantings of olive trees in the vineyard and chickens and sheep (with a protective llama) rotating through their land. AmByth is the first winery to make Demeter certified biodynamic wine in Paso Robles, and to respect this farming they make all of their wines without adding to or taking away anything away from the grapes. This is natural wine that starts with natural farming... the kind of farming where the term "natural" came from.

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