Wisconsin Sportsman - Late Season Turkey Tactics & Success with Drew Schleim
MAY 21, 2024
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As quickly as it arrived, turkey season is almost gone! These six weeks never seem to last long enough, even though it might seem like time is dragging when you find yourself sitting in a silent woods, just praying to hear a gobble in your direction. Hopefully none of you found yourselves in that situation (for long at least) this spring, but with one week left to go, it's a sprint to the finish in the turkey woods.

This week, Pierce is joined for a second time by Drew Schleim, host of The Predator Podcast, and although Drew is a big time coyote killer, no turkey is safe from him either! The guys share stories from this spring including an hours-old story of Pierce tagging a bird with minutes to go in his hunt, and Drew helping others fill their tags while also filling multiple tags of his own here in Wisconsin and also South Dakota! Drew shares some stories and lessons learned from his time in South Dakota, how he managed to kill his first two Merriam's turkeys, and also shares some fantastic tips for punching a late season tag here in the badger state. It's a great conversation that will leave you itching to get out in the turkey woods one last time!

Go check out Drew's turkey hunts on YouTube on the Sundown Outdoors Channel, listen in on the great predator hunting episodes he's putting out over at The Predator Podcast, and follow along with his adventures on Instagram @predatorpodcast_drew
