169: Harnessing the Power of Adult Development Theory in Coaching
DEC 18, 2023
Description Community

Jennifer Garvey-Berger, a leadership program designer and coach, joins our host, Felicity Dwyer to delve into the concept of adult development theory. They discuss how it aids in understanding the evolution of adults’ perspectives, and its role in leadership development. Jennifer explains why this theory is a game-changer in how we see ourselves, our clients, and the world – helping us to challenge our assumptions and take different perspectives. She highlights the need for coaches' own self-awareness and the necessity of intentional evolution to cope with the demands of modern life. A fascinating and invaluable conversation.


You will learn:


·       What adult development theory is and why it is significant in coaching

·       The interconnectedness of body, emotions and cognition in personal development and leadership

·       The role of empathy


“The world is so complex. It's pushing us so much harder than humans have been pushed before, that we need to grow to keep up with it.”


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