From Sadness to Sunshine: A Journey Through Seasonal Affective Disorder | Dr. Norman Rosenthal
JAN 30, 2024
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Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D. is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School and was the psychiatrist who first described seasonal affective disorder and pioneered the use of light in its treatment during his twenty years at the National Institute of Mental Health. He has researched other innovative psychiatric treatments and is the author of several books including the New York Times bestseller Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation and the national bestseller Super Mind. He currently maintains a private clinical and coaching practice in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. His work has earned him national and international attention in the world of psychiatry and psychology, as well as in the media.

Topics covered in this episode:
Meditation Benefits
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Light Therapy Effectiveness
Exercise Habits for Happiness
Dietary Habits for Mood
Serotonin and Depression
Overcoming Depression and SAD

To learn more about Norman Rosenthal and his work, head over to

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