The Father Wound: an Epidemic
JUN 14, 2023
Description Community

Do you struggle with people pleasing tendencies? Anxiety? Struggling with feeling worthy despite your appearance and successes? How’s your relationship with food? And your partner? Is it possible you were under-fathered?

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What is the “father wound”
  • My father wound experience
  • How it shows up in our body, personality, + health 
  • The energetic and emotional qualities and its effect on our lives
  • How I see this show up commonly in my practice

If you are experiencing any symptoms that are hindering your gut, hormonal, or mental health, consider joining us in my signature 4-month mind-body program, BODY GENIUS.

I’ve unlocked the first module for you to get a taste of the experience, join the waitlist and check it out here:
