On Mindfulness
DEC 20, 2021
Description Community

Being mindful is paying attention to yourself and your own inner dialogue.  There are many ways to practice mindfulness and you can't go wrong if you pick one and give it a try.

Working with your breath is a great place to start.  When you feel triggered reminding yourself to stop and breathe can provide a simple reset.

Progressive muscle relaxation takes breathwork up a notch and can lead to full body relaxation and is great to wind down at night or any time you need a hard reset.

The ability to sit quietly and let your thoughts flow through you can be difficult.  Much easier to really be in the moment and experience the event with fresh eyes.

I love to journal as a way into mindfulness.  I like to start the morning with a list of things I am grateful for.  It puts me into a mindset of abundance and helps me start my day with grace.

Try it this week.

Make space for you to work on yourself.

Come follow me on Instagram this week for more www.instagram.com/melissahall klepacki  


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