Know When to Say Yes with special guest star, Denise Shields l Sn2 Ep6
SEP 29, 2021
Description Community

Learn from Denise Shields as she shares how her mission of "creating better business results" for her clients helped them reach their own incredible goals. Denise is the Principle of Shields Resource Group; a niche Baldrige-based consulting organization. Seasons Leadership Co-Founders Susan Ireland and Debbie Collard interview Denise Shields as she gives practical advice on goal setting and discusses the importance of resilience.

Show Notes:

Denise shares how she became a Baldridge consultant (3:30) starting the theme of the episode around being ready when opportunity knocks on your door. Next the women discuss the importance of mission in an organization (6:18): from the mission that supports your business to being behind the mission of your clients. Denise shares two inspiring stories of how her mission of creating “better business results” for her clients helped them reach their own incredible goals.

Next the conversation turns to values (12:45) and how they align (or don’t) with a business decision. Denise shares her biggest accomplishment (17:10) out of a storied career and talks about grit (21:25). If you are looking for ideas on how to celebrate success Denise has some great advice (22:52) and find out what she got Debbie to do for the first time (25:16).

The last third of the discussion covers how to prepare as a leader (26:00) and goal setting (28:26). Denise shares the five goal areas she focuses on, her practice of setting goals every year and when to know to pull back. The women talk about the importance of resilience in life (31:15) and what advice Denise has for other women leaders (hint – it’s not about competing).

Special Guest LN: Denise Shields

IG: @womeninleadership_podcast

LN: Women in Leadership Podcast

Additional Links:

Baldrige Foundation and the California Council for Excellence

All episodes of the Women in Leadership podcast are available at the WIL Show Page
