Langley Canadian Reformed Church

Langley Canadian Reformed Church


A podcast of sermons for the Langley Canadian Reformed Church.

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843 episodes

Righteous Through Faith Only! Really?

TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. J. Visscher TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 24 Galatians 3:1–14 James 2:14–26

Jan 20, 2014
The Lord Jesus fortifies his inner circle on the stormy Sea of Galilee

1. He comes to them in their distress 2. He calms theirs fears 3. He leads them to their destination TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: John 6:16–21 Psalm 107:1–3 Psalm 107:23–32 John 20:24–31

Jan 19, 2014
Through Christ we are justified

1. what does that mean? 2. by whom are we justified? 3. how are we justified? 4. why would we be justified? TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 23 Romans 3:21—4:8

Jan 13, 2014
Lift up your hearts!

TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: John 6:1–15 Philippians 3:12—4:1

Jan 12, 2014
As another year passes, find comfort in the everlastingness of life in Jesus Christ

1. the joy of the already 2. the blessedness of the not-yet TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 22 John 3:1–21 John 17:1–5

Jan 06, 2014
Jesus Christ faces unbelief and opposition as he reveals his power at the pool

1. the sign 2. the Sabbath 3. the Son of God and Man TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: John 5:1–30 Jeremiah 17:19–27

Jan 05, 2014
This year, and always, be devoted to prayer

1. pray like it matters 2. pray with your eyes wide open TIME: Evening MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Colossians 4:2 Colossians 1:1–23

Jan 01, 2014
Our neighbor is created in God’s image

1. God demands that we respect his life 2. God demands that we show him love TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. A. Souman TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 40 Genesis 4:1–16 Genesis 4:23–24 Genesis 6:5–8 Genesis 9:1–7 Galatians 5:13–26

Dec 30, 2013
God’s claim on Israel as His firstborn Son

1. proclaimed by Moses 2. rejected by Pharaoh 3. maintained by God TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. A. Souman TEXTS: Exodus 4:21–23 Exodus 4:1–23

Dec 29, 2013
The heavenly gospel

1. announced from heaven 2. confirmed on earth 3. praised everywhere TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Luke 2:1–20

Dec 25, 2013
Christmas and the death of fear

TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. J. Visscher TEXTS: Luke 1:5–17 Luke 1:26–33 Luke 2:8–20 Matthew 1:18–21

Dec 23, 2013
God’s mercy in the birth of a child named John

1. Elizabeth’s womb is favoured for God’s glory 2. Zechariah’s tongue is loosed for God’s praise 3. John’s life is set apart for God’s kingdom TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Luke 1:57–66 Luke 1:5–25

Dec 22, 2013
When we confess the resurrection of the dead, we anticipate a future work of the almighty God

1. we adore the power of God 2. we believe the promise of God 3. we submit to the truth of God TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 22 1 Corinthians 15:35–58

Dec 16, 2013
The angel Gabriel foretells to Mary the miraculous birth of Jesus

1. The highly favoured One 2. the Child to be born 3. A believing Servant TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. C. van Spronsen TEXTS: Luke 1:26–38 Psalm 89:1–4 Psalm 89:19–39 Psalm 89:46–52

Dec 15, 2013
We believe in the forgiveness of sins

1. the need for forgiveness: our God 2. the way of forgiveness: our Saviour 3. the message of forgiveness: the gospel 4. the place of forgiveness: the church TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21 Daniel 9:1–19 John 20:19–23

Dec 09, 2013
The beginning of the ‘fullness of time’

1. God’s chosen means and ways 2. the proclamation from heaven 3. the reception on earth TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. C. van Spronsen TEXTS: Luke 1:5–25

Dec 08, 2013
We believe in true fellowship with one another in the church

1. because God has saved us through the work of His Son 2. because we have fellowship in the Holy Spirit 3. because we share in the mission of Jesus Christ 4. and so we have a shared mission with other believers 5. and so we do not have a shared mission with Satan, sin, and unbelief 6. and so we share the gifts that God has given us with one another in the church 7. and so we give generously of our financial gifts to one another in the church TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21 1 Corinthians 1:1–9 1 John 1

Dec 02, 2013
The joyful expectation of the coming of the Christ

1. by Israel 2. by all nations 3. by all of creation TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. C. van Spronsen TEXTS: Psalm 98 Isaiah 11:1–9

Dec 01, 2013
The litmus test of love

1. exposes the devil’s work 2. points to Christ’s work 3. stimulates sincere work TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. A. Witten TEXTS: 1 John 3:11–18 John 15

Nov 25, 2013
God’s dream fulfilled despite sin

1. a hard to swallow dream 2. a shattered dream 3. a surviving dream TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. A. Witten TEXTS: Genesis 37

Nov 24, 2013
The church finds her life in her Lord

1. her existence in the sovereign work of her Lord 2. her identity in the gospel of her Lord 3. her confidence by looking in faith to her Lord TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21 Exodus 19:1–6 John 10:1–21

Nov 18, 2013
Night is nearly over; the Day is almost here!

1. the passing Night 2. the dawning Day 3. your proper Attire TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. C. van Spronsen TEXTS: Romans 13:12 Romans 13:8–14 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11

Nov 17, 2013
Because God is absolutely reliable, we need not fear even when trouble comes

TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. D. Moes TEXTS: Psalm 46

Nov 11, 2013
One of the two…

TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. C. van Spronsen TEXTS: 1 Corinthians 10:21–22 1 Corinthians 10:14–22

Nov 10, 2013
The Holy Spirit unites us to our Lord Jesus Christ

1. He is the Source, 2. the Sustainer, 3. and the Security of our life in Christ TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 20 Isaiah 61 Romans 8:1–17

Nov 04, 2013
Praying as a persecuted church

TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. J. Folkerts TEXTS: Acts 4:23–31

Nov 03, 2013
Our Lord and Saviour reveals to us HOW He governs the world so that we might feel secure in His care

1. our Saviour uses angels to defend and preserve His church 2. our Saviour uses His church to govern the world TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. R. Eikelboom TEXTS: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 19 2 Kings 6:8–23 Daniel 10:1–14 Matthew 18:10–14

Oct 28, 2013
Truly believing the Gospel means building our whole lives on the foundation of God’s Word

1. God’s command for Joshua 2. Joshua’s instructions for the Israelites 3. the Israelites’ encouragement for Joshua TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. R. Eikelboom TEXTS: Joshua 1

Oct 27, 2013
Christ centered reorientation in a season of anxiety

TIME: Afternoon MINISTER: Rev. J. Folkerts TEXTS: Philippians 4:2–7 Philippians 4:2–9

Oct 21, 2013
Isaiah exposes the bankruptcy of a sinful life

1. the bad cheque of a sinful life 2. the sure result of sinful life TIME: Morning MINISTER: Rev. R. de Jonge TEXTS: Isaiah 5:8–30 Matthew 3:1–12

Oct 20, 2013