The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

Gene Steinberg


From the Genesis Communications Network: The Paracast is a paranormal radio show that takes you on a journey to a world beyond science, where UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions. The Paracast seeks to shed light on the mysteries and complexities of our Universe and the secrets that surround us in our everyday lives. Join long-time paranormal writer and researcher Gene Steinberg, a team of knowledgeable guest cohosts, and a panel of special guest experts and experiencers, as they explore the realms of the known and unknown. Listen each week to the great stories about the amazing history of the paranormal field in the 20th and 21st centuries. When strange things occur that confound traditional scientific dogma, from strange objects speeding across our skies, to frightening creatures in remote areas of the world, and incredible reports of haunted houses, The Paracast will be there to separate the signal from the noise. NOTE: These episodes are the network versions with ads. If you want a commercial-free version of The Paracast, please subscribe to The Paracast+. Check for details.

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945 episodes

March 31, 2024 — Linda C. Powell with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz remember one of the key figures of the early UFO field, as we interview Linda C. Powell, news editor for The Anomalist. She is the author of “Against the Odds: Major Donald E. Keyhoe and His Battle to End UFO Secrecy: A Biography.” In UFO lore, one man is largely responsible for the twin pillars of current belief: that UFOs represent extraterrestrial technology and that the government is hiding this truth from us. His name is Donald E. Keyhoe. He was a 51-year-old retired Marine Major when his own investigation of a famous 1948 flying saucer case led him to believe that the US Air Force and the CIA knew the Earth was under surveillance by beings from other worlds and were keeping it secret from the public. For the next 21 years, he devoted himself, at great personal cost, to exposing the official cover-up of what he believed was an alien visitation. Thanks to his highly-placed contacts in the military and secret informants in the Pentagon, Keyhoe became the first major figure to truly challenge the official view that UFO reports belonged in the domain of “kooks and fuzzy thinkers.” He eventually led what became the world’s most powerful civilian UFO organization for its time, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). You’ll also learn all about Gene’s early encounters with Keyhoe between 1965 and 1975, and some of the controversies that arose over Keyhoe’s attempts to run NICAP as a lobbying arm for UFO disclosure.

2h 39m
Mar 31, 2024
March 24, 2024 — Greg Ogles with Tim Swartz

A main focus of this episode is Bigfoot as Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Greg Ogles, who got into investigating Bigfoot in 2013 and is the founder of the Alabama Bigfoot Society. Initially he just wanted a diversion in his life as his profession can be quite stressful. Greg has hunted and fished all of his life so being in the woods in remote places was not new to him. In his regular life, he is the traffic analyst for the largest city in Alabama. As an analyst, he's trained in investigative techniques which he has translated over to investigating the unknown. So throughout the history of mankind, we have always been curious about the unknown, making new discoveries and trekking our way into the wilderness. Greg's first thoughts were to fully document all of his encounters. As a skeptic he thought there would be little film that he would have to edit. Then one cold day in Alabama, everything changed! His company is Relic films, a production company that seeks out the truth about America's greatest Legends and Myths. With the use of modern technology and the study of ancient Indian cultures he attempts to uncover the hidden truth about what is real and what is just a story.

2h 39m
Mar 24, 2024
March 17, 2024 — W.T. Watson with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present best-selling author W.T. Watson, a coffee addict and writer of both fiction and non-fiction. He infuses his work with his expertise in cryptozoology, monster lore, magic, Forteana and the paranormal. W.T. brings a unique shamanic and magical perspective to all of his work after over 30 years of exploration in these topics. During this episode there's a special focus on Bigfoot, and other strange creatures and legends of strange creatures through the ages. Watson's books include: "Canadian Monsters & Mysteries," "Sasquatch Canada: Beyond British Columbia," "Mysteries in the Mist: Mist, Fog, and Clouds in the Paranormal,", and his most recent, which will be discussed during this episode: "The Forest Poltergeist: Class B Encounters and the Paranormal." When he is not writing or reading about monsters, he can be found outdoors allowing his dogs to take him for a walk around his neighborhood in Kitchener, Ontario. He lives with his spouse, Stacey, in a townhome that would be jammed with books if it weren't for e-readers.

2h 39m
Mar 17, 2024
March 10, 2024 — Ron Janix with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present "Captain" Ron Janix, a fellow who has been immersed in the UFO/paranormal community for many years. During this episode, he'll talk in detail about the state of UFO research, especially the most recent issues regarding the Pentagon's various investigative projects. Through reading and listening to experts, working with various conferences, and doing hundreds of interviews, Ron has built up an extensive knowledge of the subject. He began podcasting with the Elevate The Conversation show back in 2014, and then moved on to the Truth Be Told show along with Tony Sweet. In April 2021, Ron founded The Observation Deck, an online source for information on speakers and events in and around the UFO community. Additionally, he also launched a podcast entitled The Observation Desk, that focused on where his passion lies new theories and discoveries in the areas of Science, Technology, History, and the Paranormal. He is also the Co-Owner, Producer, and Host of "Contact in the Desert," which he presents as the world's largest UFO-themed Conference, each year featuring dozens of well-known figures in the field. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the newly launched Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, headquartered in Los Angeles.

2h 39m
Mar 10, 2024
March 3, 2024 — Peter Robbins with Tim Swartz

As The Paracast begins its 19th year, Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Peter Robbins, an investigative writer, author and lecturer best known for his books, columns, articles, radio commentaries, interviews and conference talks about UFOs. He has appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous television programs and documentaries. Robbins’ longtime interest in and research into the life and scientific discoveries of Dr. Wilhelm Reich have led to series of published papers and conference talks in the US and the UK, and presentations at for the International Conference on the Scientific Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, Nice France; the American College of Orgonomy’s conferences in New York City and Princeton New Jersey, and For the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory conferences held near Ashland Oregon. His professional credits include, Editorial Assistant on United Nations’ Secretary General’s (requested) report “for the establishment of a UN-UFO Department,” and Editorial Assistant for Member of Parliament, the Honorable Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Earl of Clancarty’s (requested) paper for The House of Lords 1980 Debate on UFOs. Robbins was also a founding member of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders Foundation, member of its Advisory Board, and Executive Assistant to Mr. Hopkins. He was Event Coordinator for the SCI FI Channel’s "Alien Abduction Phenomenon: A Symposium," organized to promote the release of the Steven Spielberg miniseries "Taken," and writer, planner and commentator for the “Ultimate UFO” and “Ultimate Crop Circle” DVD sets. You can check out his weekly show, "Meanwhile, Here On Earth LIVE" on Mondays at 7:00 PM EST by going to and clicking on "X-Stream / Listen or Watch" at the top of the page.

2h 39m
Mar 03, 2024
February 25, 2024 — Joshua Cutchin with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a return visit from the one and only Joshua Cutchin, a long-time favorite of listeners to The Paracast. He is an author, musician, husband, father, who has appeared on a wide variety of paranormal programs discussing his work, including the hit History Channel television show “Ancient Aliens.” He is the author of seven critically-acclaimed books: 2015’s “A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch” (translated into Spanish as “Banquete Troyano”); 2016’s “The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, & Monstrous Miasmas”; 2018’s “Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions”; and 2020’s “Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon,” Volumes I & II, with Timothy Renner. In 2022, he released his two-part masterwork: “Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Death & the Paranormal.” 2023 marked the release of his first fictional novel, “Them Old Ways Never Died,” as well as his curated collection of essays, “Fairy Films: Wee Folk on the Big Screen.”

2h 39m
Feb 25, 2024
February 18, 2024 — Hercules Invictus with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz welcome back Hercules Invictus. A Lemnian Greek, he’s a proud descendant of Argonauts and Amazons. He is openly Olympian in his spirituality and worldview, dedicated to living the Mythic Life and has been exploring the fringes of our reality throughout his entire earthly sojourn. In this episode, Hercules pontificates about folklore, about the possibility that beings from other planets were active in so-called Biblical times. That is, unless an ancient civilization, such as Atlantis, was the home for a race of advanced beings. For over four decades he has been sharing his Olympian Odyssey with others. Hercules also recruits Argonauts and Heraklidae to help him usher in a new Age of Heroes. In the paranormal realm, Hercules currently produces and hosts several podcasts, a YouTube channel. He has also written numerous articles these subjects, and is an active author who has published two e-books on Kindle and contributed to over twenty paranormal anthologies. Hercules frequently conducts Olympian Workshops and serves as a guest speaker on multiple platforms.

2h 39m
Feb 18, 2024
February 11, 2024 — Brian Walker with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present an entertaining pop culture look at "B" movies and movie serials with Brian Walker, creator and webmaster of Brian’s Drive-In Theater. He's been keeping memories of drive-in films and their stars alive since February 1, 1998. His love of films began in childhood with his first Super 8mm projector given to him by his grandmother who also bought him his first film, a four-minute excerpt of a W.C. Fields comedy. Over the last 50 years, he has assembled a film collection from such genres as horror and science fiction, comedy, and action with a special emphasis on B (low budget) movies. Currently calling Morgantown, West Virginia home, Brian is fortunate to live in proximity of a number of still-operating drive-in theaters in the southwestern Pennsylvania area and loves taking his convertible to the drive-in during the warm summer months. All told, this episode will provide a great look into pop culture over the decades, and its impact on society. As listeners to The Paracast know full well, the conventional memes in the UFO field about the origins and purpose of the phenomenon are infused in our culture, and sci-fi "B" movies, such as "Earth Versus the Flying Saucers," play a large part.

2h 39m
Feb 11, 2024
February 4, 2024 — Keith Linder with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present another appearance from Keith Linder, who relates an extraordinary range of incredible paranormal experiences beginning in 2012. At the time, he and his girlfriend, Tina, moved into a house in the suburb of Seattle. The bizarre phenomena they witnessed would change their lives forever. The extreme ghostly activity started off when they heard what sounded to them like a child coughing. From there, things escalated quickly to strange noises, doors slamming, apparitions, things disappearing and dangerous fires. Objects would appear and disappear. One of the fires even burned a copy of the Bible. Keith eventually called in paranormal researcher Don Philips and British parapsychologist Steve Mera, who visited the house twice, spending several weeks and collecting extraordinary evidence. Keith is an IT professional for a popular IT company in Seattle, WA. He is author of the books "The Bothell Hell House: Poltergeist of Washington State," "Attachments: Poltergeist of Washington State Part 2," and "Poltergeist - The Night Side of Physics." His YouTube channel:

2h 39m
Feb 04, 2024
January 28, 2024 — Brian Young with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Brian Young — our resident skeptic — who makes a return visit to The Paracast to talk about Albert K. Bender, a curious character who became prominent in the early days of the modern UFO era and his experiences with the mysterious Men In Black. And what about their influence on UFO research and pop culture? Indeed, is there a group of government agents — rogue or otherwise — who travel around visiting innocent people whose only transgression was to see a UFO, telling to just shut up? What about Bender's strange sci-fi themed summary of his MIB encounters, "Flying Saucers and the Three Men"? Brian is a historian, cigar connoisseur, writer and researcher who, in addition to his paranormal studies, covers boxing and boxing history. He also co-hosts the Transatlantic History Ramblings podcast along with Lauren Davies, heard on Spotify and other streaming platforms. His book is "The Wrestlers’ Wrestlers: The Masters of the Craft of Professional Wrestling."

2h 39m
Jan 28, 2024
January 21, 2024 — Chris Evers with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz feature Chris Evers, owner and editor of Outer Limits Magazine a six times a year online publication dedicated to the paranormal world which we live in. He has had an interest in the UFO subject since his own strange experience in 1974. He is author of “THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME From Elsewhere:” Unidentified Flying Objects, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, Flying Saucers, Orbs, Cigar-Shaped, Flying Triangles, V-Shaped or Cross-Shaped, or even the alleged Adamski Venusian craft, the world of Ufology has seen them all. Why have there been so many different shapes associated with the world’s greatest unexplained phenomena? Do they all come from the same manufacturing plant based on a planet many light years from Earth? Will the truth ever be known? Evers presents mysterious tales and stories surrounding many of the above types of craft. Some will be well known accounts, which you have likely heard of; while many will be presented to you for the first time in this the authors first book from Philip Mantle’s Flying Disk Press.

2h 39m
Jan 21, 2024
January 14, 2024 — Lee Vander Boegh with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Lee Vander Boegh, an Emmy Award winning freelance writer, reporter and filmmaker based in Boise, Idaho. He spent nearly a decade at a local TV news station, where he helped produce "Ida-Haunts," a series of paranormal news stories (the promos he created for this series earned him two Emmys). The main focus of this episode is an article he wrote about cryptids, 10 Most Googled Monsters in the U.S. A self professed "Paranormal Agnostic," Lee doesn't discount the possibility of such phenomena, but wants irrefutable proof before calling himself a true believer. That said, he's had his fair share of "Did you see that?" moments, including an incident with a night-time aerial light so bright it burnt up his vehicle's alternator, and a one-year residency in a house that went bump-in-the-night on an uncomfortably regular basis. In his spare time he enjoys making horror films, acting, playing music and writing about himself in the third person. His horror short film, "Hinsdale," has won multiple festival awards including Best Horror Short at the 2019 Action on Film Festival and Best Horror Film and Audience choice award at the 2019 Twin Falls Film Festival.

2h 39m
Jan 14, 2024
January 7, 2024 — Christina Ward with Tim Swartz

And now for something completely different: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Christina Ward, an author, editor, and seeker. She is also the Vice President and Editor of Feral House, a publisher noted for their books on outré topics. The main topic of discussion is her book,  "Holy Food: How Cults, Communes, and New Religious Movements Influenced What We Eat." Religious beliefs have been the source of food "rules" since Pythagoras told his followers not to eat beans (they contain souls), Kosher and Halal rules forbade the shrimp cocktail (shellfish are scavengers, or maybe God just said "no"). A long-ago Pope forbade Catholics from eating meat on Fridays (fasting to atone for committed sins). Rules about eating are present in nearly every American belief, from high-control groups that ban everything except air to the infamous strawberry shortcake that sated visitors to the Oneida Community in the late 1800s. Even the followers of the Heaven's Gate cult had specific rules about food consumption. Ward's book also features over 75 recipes from religious and communal groups tested and updated for modern cooks.

2h 39m
Jan 07, 2024
December 31, 2023 — Mark Christopher Lee with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Mark Christopher Lee, a singer-songwriter in the cult indie band The Pocket Gods since 1998. As a filmmaker, he presents “God Vs. Aliens,” which looks into whether life as we know and perceive it is just a simulation designed and controlled by extra terrestrials for some unknown purpose. This theory would then make religion and even the idea of God as a construct of the computer game and thereby the Aliens controlling it. This films explores this theory and its impact on the world’s religions should we make first contact, and especially if that contact would actually negate our physical existence and any notion of God as real. Featured in the film are former UK Ministry of Defence staffer Nick Pope, Harvard astronomer Professor Avi Loeb, and UFO skeptic Seth Shostak. As a working musician, Lee has long advocated for fair royalties for artists, especially on such music streaming services as Apple Music and Spotify. He says that musicians routinely get underpaid for their work by the music industry and they have released albums of 30-second songs since 2015 to highlight the lack of fair royalties.

2h 39m
Dec 31, 2023
December 24, 2023 — Mark Olly with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present author, producer, writer, lecturer, broadcaster, musician and artist Mark Olly, author of “Europe’s Roswell — 40 Years Since Impact.” This book contains detailed first-hand accounts of those involved, the best images of the crash debris available to date, up-dates from those same sources, how and where the original 25-year anniversary documentary was produced back in 2008, along with new international scientific analysis of the debris fragments. For over 22 years, Olly worked as a professional DJ, musician, and in music management founding Angelharp Music, Unicorn Entertainments Agency Ltd. and Legendthink Ltd. before moving on to pursue a solo career as writer, archaeologist and television presenter. This career has so far taken him to all parts of the UK, France, Egypt, Norway, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and the Yucatan Peninsular Mexico in search of the ancient and the mysterious. He has several books in print, appeared on Carlton Television’s “The History Detectives,” wrote and presented three seasons of ITV Granada’s award nominated ‘Lost Treasures’ adventure archaeology series, is a regular presenter on Sky History Channel, writes, presents and directs DVD’s for U.S. media giant Reality Entertainments/Reality Films, and recently wrote and directed four Music Videos for international recording band Hayseed Dixie, and played sessions with atmospheric band Soul Path and rock bands Stone Cold Nero and Sacred Wind.

2h 39m
Dec 24, 2023
December 17, 2023 — Maxim W. Furek with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present an encore appearance by paranormal researcher Maxim W. Furek, whose eclectic background includes aspects of psychology, addictions, and rock journalism. He has a master’s degree in Communications from Bloomsburg University and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Aquinas College. The main focus of this episode is the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment, about a purported attempt during World War II to make ships invisible to the enemy, with results that went awry. Furek will also explore the pop culture of the early days of the modern UFO field, featuring such controversial characters as Ray Palmer and Richard S. Shaver. Furek has written numerous rock biographies, as well as paranormal-themes books, such as Coal Region Hoodoo: Paranormal Tales from Inside the Pit and Flying Saucer Esoteric. He is a contributor to Fate Magazine, Normal Paranormal, and Paranormal Underground. The book Flying Saucer Esoteric: The Altered States of Ufology cxplores the chronology of “flying saucers,” tracing historical accounts of theologians and astronomers who lived in the days Before Christ to the 2023 Congressional hearings and the Mexican alien corpses myth.

2h 39m
Dec 17, 2023
December 10, 2023 — Richard Thieme with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a thought-provoking episode featuring Richard Thieme. He is an author/professional speaker who addresses challenges posed by new technologies, how to redesign ourselves to meet these challenges, and creativity in response to radical change. His speaking addresses “the human in the machine,” technology-related security and intelligence issues as they come home to our humanity. For the past 30 years, his speaking, writing and consulting has focused on security, intelligence, IT, and empowering people who live on the sharper edges of life and work. His books include: "UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry" (2013). When a senior at the NSA told him, "the only way you can tell the truth is through fiction," he heeded his advice, and four novels and dozens of stories later, he completed his magnum opus, the Mobius Trilogy: "Mobius: A Memoir," a novel about an intelligence professional that is receiving great reviews, "The Mobius Vector: The Long Road Home," and the third book in the trilogy, "Mobius: Out of Time."

2h 39m
Dec 10, 2023
December 3, 2023 — UFO Roundtable with Curt Collins and Tim Swartz

We feature a special UFO Roundtable, featuring cohosts Curt Collins and Tim Swartz. The list of topics includes UFO research updates, the influence of pop culture on the phenomenon, faulty memories of reported UFO crashes such as Roswell, and remembrances of the late Tim Beckley, known to some as "Mr. UFO." Curt is the author behind Blue Blurry Lines, a website focused on the UFO mystery, as well as its legends and hoaxes. After a career in retail management Curt began writing about UFOs, with a special interest in re-investigating the paradoxical 1980 Texas Cash-Landrum case.More recently, he launched The Saucers That Time Forgot with Claude Falkstrom, focused on unearthing “tales that UFO history has overlooked, or would rather forget.” Tim is an Indiana native and Emmy-Award winning television producer/videographer. He is also the author of a number of popular books including "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla," "America's Strange and Supernatural History," and "Time Travel: Fact Not Fiction!"

2h 39m
Dec 03, 2023
November 26, 2023 — Chris Aubeck with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a thought-provoking talk with UFO historian and author Chris Aubeck, who reveals secrets about the origins of the terms flying saucer and ancient artifacts. Only these secrets were always in plain sight according to two of his books, “Alien Artifacts: The forgotten story of how we came to believe in visitors from the stars” and “Saucers: Tracing the Origins of Disc-Shaped UFOs.” Aubeck’s interest in the historical and sociological aspects of unexplained aerial phenomena began at an early age. A student of language and folklore, he has helped compile the largest collection of pre-1947 UFO cases in the world. He has spoken on his research in many articles and on public radio. In 2008 he was awarded a prize for his contributions to the field by the Spanish organization Fundación Anomalía. In 2003 Chris Aubeck co-founded a remarkable collaborative network of librarians, students and scholars of paranormal history on the Internet. This group, known as the Magonia Project, extends from North and Central America to Russia and Germany.

2h 39m
Nov 26, 2023
November 19, 2023 — Mike Ricksecker with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz take a fascinating journey across time and space with Mike Ricksecker, author of Travels Through Time: Inside the Fourth Dimension, Time Travel, and Stacked Time Theory. The book is an examination of the nature of time, dimensions, and the possibilities of real time travel. Ricksecker formally introduces his Stacked Time Theory with an exploration of the fabric of the cosmos, starting with ancient symbolism and alchemy up through today’s modern science and technology. From time paradoxes, interdimensional transport, to the implications to the UFO mystery, this episode of The Paracast may be the best yet. Ricksecker has appeared on multiple television shows and programs and is is the producer and director of the docu-series, “The Shadow Dimension,” available on several streaming platforms. He also produces additional full-length content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, and the supernatural on his extensive YouTube channel. Ricksecker has written historic paranormal articles for a number of publications, and he operates his own book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media, representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media in The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival.

2h 39m
Nov 19, 2023
November 12, 2023 — George Wingfield with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present another session with politically incorrect UFO investigator George Wingfield. On this episode, he presents a tribute to the late researcher David Perkins and his study of the cattle mutilation phenomenon. He also offers his insights into the book "TRINITY: The Best-Kept Secret" from Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris, which has been the subject of ongoing controversy. Wingfield also focuses on the possibility that a number of UFO events were, in fact, the result of experiments with test aircraft. He offers his skeptical insights into the work of such abduction researchers as Budd Hopkins and Whitley Strieber. Over the years, Wingfield has written about and lectured on a number of subjects including British history, prehistoric sites, astronomy, the UFO subject, and crop circles. His UFO books include one he did with Paul Whitehead: "UFO— Strange Space on Earth." Wingfield's most recent book is entitled "The Rendlesham Forest UFO Mystery and Project Honey Badger." It examines the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident of December 1980 in considerable detail, and he offers what he considers to be a rational explanation for this widely-publicized case. Wingfield has a BA Hons. Degree in Natural Sciences from Trinity College Dublin. He once worked as an astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Herstmonceux, UK.

2h 39m
Nov 12, 2023
November 5, 2023 — Earl Grey Anderson with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz introduce UFO researcher and experiencer Earl Grey Anderson, who reveals an amazing story about his mother. First conveyed to him at age five, it appears that she worked for Howard Hughes company, and regularly went to an underground advanced technology facility via an elevator. Anderson also talks about his own UFO contact experiences, which also affected his wife. He is MUFON’s State Director of Southern California, an executive member of MUFON’s ERT (The Experiencer Resource Team), and hosted both Experiencer Workshops at the 2022 MUFON Symposium in Denver Colorado. Anderson has appeared on multiple radio shows, podcasts, and TV shows, such as “Unidentified with Demi Lovato,” The Travel Channel’s “Storming Area 51 Special.” and the season finale of Motor Trend Television’s “Motor Mythbusters — Cars Vs. UFOs." He is also a board member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, with the goal to provide a more unified voice in the media leading up to, and following, the impending revelation of the presence of extraterrestrial life — disclosure — through storytelling in feature films, documentaries, and TV programming.

2h 39m
Nov 05, 2023
October 29, 2023 — Philip Mantle and Dr. Irena Scott

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present UFO investigators Philip Mantle and Dr. Irena Scott, authors of "Beyond Reasonable Doubt — The Pascagoula Alien Abduction." The book takes you behind the classic UFO abduction involving shipyard works Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker on October 11, 1973. That night, they both decided to go fishing after work when something happened that would change their lives forever. A dazzling blue light from behind them illuminated the entire scene. Turning round both men watched in awe as a rugby ball-shaped object descended. A door opened and three bizarre looking humanoid entities glided out across the terrain to the two terrified onlookers. Thus began one of the most credible UFO abduction encounters on record. The book includes newly discovered details, including a report of yet another abduction in Pascagoula that same night. Philip Mantle is a long-standing UFO researcher and author from the UK. He is the founder of Flying Disk Presspublishers of a number of books about UFOs and the paranormal. Dr Scott’s wide experience includes working at the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Aerospace Centerin satellite photography; she was also a volunteer astronomer at the Ohio State University Radio Observatory. and she served on the MUFON Board of Directors (1993 to 2000). Dr. Scott is a MUFON consultant in physiology and astronomy and a field investigator.

2h 39m
Oct 29, 2023
October 22, 2023 — Stan Gordon with Tim Swartz

Discover incredible UFO, Bigfoot and other paranormal encounters as Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present an update from long-time investigator Stan Gordon. He has been taking calls on UFO sightings and other strange reports from the public since 1969, and he continues to receive unusual reports on a regular basis. He has given illustrated lectures both locally and nationally on the topics of UFOs, Bigfoot, Cryptids, and strange encounters since the late 1960s. For many years, Gordon led teams of scientists, engineers, and research specialists to investigate mysterious occurrences across Pennsylvania. He is the primary investigator of the 1965 UFO crash incident that occurred near Kecksburg, PA. In addition, Gordon is the producer of the award winning UFO video documentary, “Kecksburg The Untold Story.” He is the author of four books: Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook, Really Mysterious Pennsylvania, Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures, and his latest book, Creepy Cryptids, And Strange UFO Encounters of Pennsylvania.

2h 39m
Oct 22, 2023
October 15, 2023 Christopher Harmon with Tim Swartz

It's experiment time and UFO investigator, psychic and remote viewer Christopher Harmon, attempts to display his claimed abilities to Gene and cohost Tim Swartz. He will be asked to remote view a specific location and conduct psychic readings of Gene and Tim. Listeners may be surprised — or not surprised — at the results. Harmon is also a MUFON Star Team Member and ERT Member (Abduction Counselor). He has also worked with Something Wicked Paranormal Investigations. Harmon says he first noticed his psychic abilities and experienced strange encounters with possible alien beings when a he was a young man, which led him onto a path of understanding. He teaches psychic courses in MUFON, and is currently offering an eight-week remote viewing course starting November 1. His Facebook page: Chris Harmon

2h 39m
Oct 15, 2023
October 8, 2023 — David Perkins Roundtable with Chris O'Brien, Greg Bishop and David Marler with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a special roundtable episode to honor the memory of the late David "Izzy" Perkins (1945-2023). Perkins spent decades laboring, mostly behind the scenes. to investigate and amass evidence about paranormal events. with a focus on the mystery of cattle mutilations. Featured guests include three of his friends: Chris O'Brien, cohost of The Paracast from 2010 through 2018, who has investigated hundreds of unexplained events in south-central CO/north-central NM. His investigations are chronicled in his “Mysterious Valley” book trilogy. He is also author "Stalking the Herd," a major work focusing on cattle mutilations. Greg Bishop has explored the strange and unknown for a number of years. In 2019, he co-authored "A Is For Adamski," an encyclopedic overview of the UFO contact movement. His long-running podcast can be heard at, his latest project is a tarot deck based on the history of UFO research entitled the "Ufology Tarot." David Marler has had a lifelong interest in the UFO subject and has actively investigated and researched the subject for 33 years. He has one of the largest historical UFO archives of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, microfilms, audio recordings, and case files from around the world that covers the last 75+ years. He continues to accumulate material through his National UFO Historical Records Center.

2h 39m
Oct 08, 2023
October 1, 2023 — Michael Kameron with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz introduce experiencer Michael Kameron, author of "High Strangeness: A Lifetime of Alien and Paranormal Encounters." Kameron was just an ordinary person who experienced both sides of the paranormal, from alien abductions to encountering strange, mystical beings, stretching back from his childhood right through to his adult life. Having been brought up in the backdrop of a stringent Roman Catholic Irish community in the East-End of London in the 1970’s, it was unthinkable that such unexpected, supernatural encounters could exist at all. He lived in a house plagued by poltergeist activity, encountering spectral visitations from hooded figures. During his encounters with non-human entities, according to the book, and having experienced bouts of missing time, he was also an unwitting victim to the infamous "Men in Black" along with military exploitation, out of body experiences, spiritual and psychic confrontations, visions, along with UFO activity.

2h 39m
Oct 01, 2023
September 24, 2023 — Preston Dennett with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present the return of UFO researcher and experiencer Preston Dennett to talk about the state of current research efforts (including NASA and the Pentagon) and his book, “Humanoids and High Strangeness.” The book presents twenty all new, original, and unpublished accounts of people who have had face-to-face contact with a variety of humanoids. It contains accounts of sightings, landings, and onboard UFO encounters. According to Preston, many of the cases provide remarkable physical evidence: electromagnetic effects, physiological reactions (both injuries and healings), landing traces and more. Most of the witnesses describe all kinds of paranormal and psychic events. Preston began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal.

2h 39m
Sep 24, 2023
September 17, 2023 — Dr. Tim Brigham with Tim Swartz

Gene and guest cohost Curt Collins present clinical psychologist Dr. Tim Brigham, a long-time explorer of UFO lore. He is a contributing member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU) and has presented to the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE). He grew up in Gulf Breeze, FL during a major wave of UFO sightings, which began his lifelong interest in the phenomenon. He now works as an educator in the biomedical industry. Brigham became close friends with legendary flying saucer journalist James W. (Jim) Moseley. Jim was a fixture in the saucer scene nearly since it began, as editor of Saucer News magazine; in later years it morphed into Saucer Smear and was the longest running saucer zine in the known universe, known for its ironic and gonzo approach. Dr. Brigham was appointed Contributing Editor in Smear's final years. In his lecture titled "UFOs as Agents of Psychic Transformation," he discusses the fact that witnesses often report long term, life altering effects of UFO encounters, yet relatively little attention from social scientists has been paid to the experiential and transformative nature of such experiences and their direct impact on human consciousness.

2h 39m
Sep 17, 2023
September 10, 2023 — Martin Powell, Jason Gleaves and Brent Raynes with Tim Swartz

Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a discussion of the graphic novel version of the book, "UFO: The Closest Encounter — The True Story of Calvin Parker." Featured guests: Martin Powell, the author of hundreds of science fiction, mystery, and horror stories. He has worked in the comic book industry since 1986, writing for Marvel, DC, Malibu, Caliber, Moonstone, and Disney, among others, and has been nominated for the coveted Eisner Award. Jason Gleaves, a UFO researcher, author and illustrator. Brent Raynes, who has been researching and investigating the unexplained since January 1967, at age 14, and is the author of “Visitors from Hidden Realms,” “On the Edge of Reality,” and “John A. Keel: The Man, The Myths, and the Ongoing Mysteries.” Brent edits and publishes Alternate Perceptons magazine, which was established in 1985 and is now available as an online publication.

2h 39m
Sep 10, 2023