2023-03-05 | Class 2 | Precepts | Speaking Truthfully | Joel Barna
MAR 15
Description Community
00:00:26 - Joel Offers an Overview of the Class
00:03:11 - Sitting for 10 Minutes Offering Metta/Joel then Begins with the Precept ‘Speaking Truthfully’, and The 8 Fold Path’
00:13:07 - Joel Invites Participants to Share their 'Recasting' of the Precept 'I Take Up the Way Of Speaking Truthfully
00:35:54 - Jessica Talks About Hakomi and how to Cultivate Loving Presence
00:47:09 - Joel Offers An Exercise for the breakout Rooms (15 Minutes long - 3/4 People in Each Room)
00:51:38 - Joel Invites Reflections on the breakout Room Exercise
00:55:28 - Joel Introduces 'Right Speech' and Gives The Readings for the Next Month - Chapters 6 and 7 in
Waking Up To What You Do By Diane Eshin Rizzetto, Bringing the Class to a Close

MB - (Public)