Pursuing a Better Path
With USMC Chris Burges and USA Eric Pettepher
Both dealt with their own struggles and found a better pathway as they both made a choice to go to the PTSD Foundation of America's "Camp Hope" Support for our Veterans dealing with the Unseen Wounds of war, "PTSD".
https://nonprofitarchitect.org/combat-vet-vision/https://www.facebook.com/iconutilityservices/photos/pcb.3282304212030773/3282304082030786/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqvd5sUEtC9xkm7ejGNK5Zw/featuredhttps://www.facebook.com/aqseiberthttps://www.facebook.com/CombatVetVisionEmail: Aqseibert@yahoo.com
The Warrior Built Foundation -
https://warriorbuilt.org/The PTSD Foundation of America -
https://ptsdusa.org/Virtual Office(Come see me) Virbella.com
Sitch Radio -
https://sitchradio.com/If you would like to become a sponsor or advertiser
Call Sitch Radio (714) 643-2500 X 1
Be part of the solution or the problem.
PTSD FOA Warrior Group Chapters