The Launch of Pokémon Works
APR 01, 2024
Description Community

Pokémon Sleep messed up, but players weren't mad because of how they handled it. The first week of Raikou is over, we talk about how easy or hard it was to get, even for players who just picked up the game. Pokémon Works is a new thing between ILCA and the Pokémon Company and we don't really know what it means yet? There is some weird price things happening with the latest Pokémon TCG set. If you spent $10 on the Season Pass in Pokémon GO, we now know what part 2 is going to get you. 

00:03:00-Pokémon Sleep Issues
00:30:30-Pokémon Sleep Raikou
01:01:20-Temporal Forces Manipulation
01:11:00-Pokémon Works
01:34:00-Pokémon GO April Announcements
01:59:00-Post Credits  

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Hosted, edited, and produced by Steve Sarumi
Theme songs and segment jingles by Nicholas Burgess 
Ad music comes from Evanto Elements 
Podcast artwork by Steve Sarumi
