Monday NewsLink: LSR7 BOE ballot changes, MLK celebration& Christmas continues!
JAN 15
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In the latest episode of the Lee's Summit Town Hall podcast, hosts Nick Parker and Liesl Hays bring listeners up to speed on the upcoming April election, revealing changes in the Board of Education ballot. As the election draws near, the hosts promise in-depth coverage of contested races for school board, city council, and municipal judge positions. The episode also highlights the City of Lee's Summit's annual MLK celebration, emphasizing the theme "Living the Dream" and spreading hope, courage, and unity. Despite some delays, the hosts extend the holiday spirit by continuing to give away favorite things, with Santa's approval to keep the Christmas joy alive throughout the year. To stay informed about local events, listeners are encouraged to sign up for the podcast's weekly NewsLink email and follow their Instagram and Facebook pages for chances to win exciting prizes in January.
