From Retail Pharmacy to Pharmacogenomics Consulting: Starting Your Own Venture with Dr. Melissa Turner
NOV 01, 2022
Description Community

This week, we were joined by Melissa Turner, a retail pharmacist turned owner of Tarheel PGx Consulting, a pharmacogenetics consulting company. In this episode, you’ll hear about her transition during 2020 when she decided to make a shift in her career and pursue an entrepreneurial path toward work she felt passionate about.

Precision Insights is GenXys’ exclusive podcast where we are joined by special guests in or adjacent to the pharmacogenetics space. With bite-sized episodes, we create podcasts that are tailored to fit easily into your morning or afternoon commute.


Show Notes:

(0:19): Guest introduction

(1:32): The beginning of Melissa's journey

(3:37): Transitioning during the pandemic

(6:36): Digging into pharmacogenetics

(8:31): Melissa on Dr. Jamie Wilkey's Confidence Academy

(12:52): The entrepreneurial side of pharmacy

(18:58): The impact of PGx on patients

(21:51): Ways to increase our understanding of PGx

(26:11): Closing remarks

