Looking ahead to the exciting future of analytics with #2023Analytics keynote Hilary Mason
MAR 13, 2023
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We’re in the countdown to the 2023 INFORMS Business Analytics Conference, in Aurora, CO, April 16-18, and this year’s conference is particularly special for the INFORMS community as this was the site of our 2020 meeting … or it was supposed to be, but unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic had other ideas. Now, here we are three years later and we’ve come full circle and I think I speak for many in the INFORMS community when I say that I have never been more excited to attend an Analytics Conference.

With that in mind, I’m thrilled to be joined by Hilary Mason, the INFORMS Roundtable sponsored keynote speaker and co-founder and CEO of Hidden Door, a game technology studio using machine learning to build the future of immersive entertainment. We’re taking this opportunity to get to know Hilary a little bit, talk about her analytics journey, and get a sneak peek at what she’ll be presenting at the upcoming conference.

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