837- Being Lauren Bacall's Servant with Actor Larry Clarke
MAR 12, 2024
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Actor Larry Clarke, (many television series like- Monster, Heels, For All Mankind, Twin Peaks, Contagion, The Laundromat, Bitter Homes & Gardens ) worked for an upscale catering company in the early 90's in NYC. He was offered to work a private party for Lauren Bacall after being warned she was cheap and extremely hard to work for. Larry took the gig cause it was in Dakota Apartments and he would have a chancwe to meet Anthony Hopkins. However, the gig end up a disaster. Larry was treated as her "slave boy" and he it came to a head when he almost smashed her Bogie Tiffany glasses. 

Each week Hollywood’s most talented people in the entertainment industry share true, personal stories on the Story Worthy Podcast. Story Worthy celebrates 14 years of podcasting in July 2024 and has over 800 episodes recorded. Christine Blackburn is the creator, host and producer of Story Worthy, Story Smash the Storytelling Game Show, and My Life In 3 Songs exclusively on Spotify.

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Follow Christine’s new show, My Life In 3 Songs. Independent Podcast Producer Christine Blackburn talks to comedians about the 3 songs in their lives that have impacted them, not necessarily their favorite songs, but songs that paint a picture of the of the comedian and where they're from. Listen exclusively on Spotify

Find My Life In 3 Songs on Insta and at the website !

PLUS! Watch Story Smash The Storytelling Game Show! Comedians spin a wheel and tell TRUE 1-3 minute stories on the topic they land. You can watch episodes from the pandemic and from summer 2023 right now on YouTube.

See Story Smash LIVE at the Lyric/Hyperion Theater in Los Angeles now! Check the website for upcoming dates and tickets! 

And here's Christine  everywhere-.


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