The Exorcist III (1990) with Merritt K
JAN 29, 2024
Description Community

Is that a demon in your priest, or are you just happy to see us? Merritt K is here to talk about The Exorcist III, so #BlattyBoys stand up! We're getting into tricking George C Scott into comedy gold, the deep involvement with the Joker,  Dyer's dire dying, the anti-Vietnam War sentiment, and a pitch for Lionel Ritchie's new hit song! You won't want to miss this - so don't! 


PLUS: the final episode of Plutember was December's bonus episode, so if you want to hear JP and me discussing George Romero's The Amusement Park, you must venture behind the dreaded paywall!!!! Sign up now so you don't miss out on this and many more great bonus episodes.