Gleaning Today: Conserving Food for Hungry People
SEP 27, 2022
Description Community

Gleaning is the age-old agricultural practice of collecting excess food for the hungry. Centuries ago, food was left in the field for the poor to collect. Today in America, we waste literally tons of excess food every year that could be used to feed those who need it. We have a responsibility as people of faith to nurture God's abundance.

In this episode, Michael Binger, Society of St. Anthony Regional Director of the Carolinas, explains how contemporary gleaning works to reclaim excess food in the twenty-first century food system and directs that food to people who need it. He discusses what gleaning is, the biblical foundations of the practice, why we glean today, and how to get started. 

You'll be interested in this episode if you're interested in food ministries or serving hungry people. 
