237: My Son's Senior Portraits
NOV 07, 2023
Description Community

If you aren't familiar with LifeTouch, they are the ENORMOUS business responsible for most of the school portraits in the U.S. If you're based in America, chances are good that you've sat in front of a LifeTouch photographer at some point in your life... but the experience of buying photos from Lifetouch as a professional photographer and a mom has really put some things into perspective.

As some of you know, this is my son Oliver's senior year, and he recently went to get his yearbook photo done by a LifeTouch photographer, and today, I want to walk you through that experience.

You might not be surprised at what I discovered, but what I hope you take away from today is a sense of extreme confidence in the services we provide to our clients and the prices we charge for those services. As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and your own experiences with school portraits in the Facebook group. Click the link below to join the convo.

