Pokémon Adventures: X & Y
FEB 22, 2024
Description Community

As a warning, there are a lot of criticisms about the lack of new Pokémon in Gen 6, but Quinn does want to clarify that all is forgiven because this is the gen that gave us Pangoro.


4:31 - Pokémon Adventures: X & Y

41:19 - My Hero Academia 414

46:26 - Undead Unluck 195

56:33 - Blue Box 137

1:04:30 / 64:30 - Boruto: Two Blue Vortex 7

1:15:18 / 75:18 - Kaiju No. 8 102

1:21:50 / 81:50 - Edens Zero 276

1:30:51 / 90:51 - Dear Anemone 1

1:42:01 / 102:01 - Green Green Greens 11

1:48:29 / 108:29 - Nue's Exorcist 38

1:53:02 / 113:02 - Super Psychic Policeman Chojo 2

1:56:31 / 116:31 - Two on Ice 20

2:00:58 / 120:58 - The Elusive Samurai 145

2:04:11 / 124:11 - Akane-banashi 98

2:10:08 / 130:08 - One Piece 1107

2:23:24 / 143:24 - Favorite Series and MVP

2:28:29 / 148:29 - Next Recommendation
