How to Stop People Pleasing
FEB 20
Description Community
Break Free from People-Pleasing & Embrace Your Power! 🌟

Hey Ambitches,

It’s our favorite day of the week because the latest episode of the Ambitchious Podcast is now LIVE! In this empowering episode titled "How to Stop People Pleasing,"  Katie is taking to the mic to guide you on a transformative journey toward self-assertion and authenticity. 🚀

🎉 Episode Highlights:

Shake Off Toxicity: Katie shares personal anecdotes, including her dynamic with her mother and the pivotal choice to cut out negative gossip. If you're surrounded by energy-drainers, it's time to take a stand for your well-being.

Apologies vs. Gratitude:  Discover why we must stop the apology overkill that's subtly undermining women's confidence. Replace "sorry" with "thank you" and watch your energy shift dramatically.

Perfectionism's Pitfall: Procrastination and perfectionism can paralyze us with the fear of not measuring up. Katie urges you to break free from these chains and step into your enough-ness.

Set Boundaries Like a Boss B: Learn why saying "no" should become your superpower and how to do it without guilt. Katie guides you to navigate social situations with grace while honoring your needs.

Self-Care Isn't Selfish: It’s vital to carve out time for yourself. Katie offers strategies for leisure, exercise, and self-care events that refuel your ambition. If you would like to join the next self-defense event at Dojo Sante and KBMFC then click the link to save your spot:

Live Your Values Out Loud: Katie reminds us of the importance of knowing our core values. Assert them, live by them, and let them guide you to a truer you.

Embrace Ambition: We are "Ambitchious" women, not victims. Own your power and stop the cycle of people-pleasing that prevents real connections and personal progress.

This episode is a call to action for all the amazing women in our midst who want to live less out of habit and more out of intent. If you’re ready to prioritize your happiness, it’s time to tune in!

🌟 Special Moments: Katie gets candid about her decision to skip social events that don't align with her energy, standing firmly for her beliefs, and choosing high-value actions that further her aspirations.

đź’Ś Spread the Message: If this podcast touched your heart, share it with someone who could benefit from Katie's wisdom. Let's empower each other to be less about pleasing and more about seizing our dreams!

Before you dive into this episode, don't forget to check out the Ambitchious App for an incredible community of women who are here to support and inspire you on this journey. Visit for more information.

Until next Tuesday, stay ambitious, keep rejecting the people-pleasing trap, and remember - you're not alone. Katie, and the entire Ambitchious community, are with you every step of the way.

To your unapologetic success,

The Ambitchious Team
