Why the People Who Know You Don’t Support You
JUL 25, 2023
Description Community

On this episode of Ambitchious, the HBIC herself addresses the topic of why the people you know don't support you. Katie starts off by urging listeners to share and promote the podcast, as well as join a seven-day free trial of The App, a supportive community platform. Most likely the people who know her already won't do this and here in lies the topic of discussion.

Katie emphasizes that nobody is special and that relying on others for support and validation is narcissistic and limiting. She encourages listeners to seek their own validation, trust their own opinions, and listen to their intuition. Katie expresses frustration with the coaching industry and questions if people are actually paying attention to the podcast. Katie also believes that feeling happy all the time and having constant support is abnormal and may indicate a  form of mental illness.

This podcast is really a personal rant sharing stories and strategies to overcome challenges. She advises listeners not to care about support, cheerleaders, or who is in their corner, as it will lead to disappointment. Katie discusses clients who self-sabotage due to prioritizing the need for love and acceptance over their desire to succeed. She emphasizes that being assertive and having something going for oneself makes it easy to become rich. The importance of surrounding oneself with supportive and helpful people is also highlighted. The negative impact of individuals who are not contributing and are simply "sitting on the wagon" is emphasized, and Katie advises listeners to excommunicate them from their lives. She warns against listening to people who discourage hard work. 

Katie also talks about personal growth and contrasts it with individuals who live mundane lives and have not changed or grown. Regarding life's purpose, Katie encourages listeners to let go of the belief that they need others' support to achieve it. Pursuing one's life purpose may be challenging and lonely, but separating oneself from unsupportive individuals is necessary for growth. Coming up next on Ambitchious, Katie will delve deeper into the concept of life's purpose and shar

e mind-blowing insights. Listeners are encouraged to pursue their life's purpose and not waste their human life by limiting themselves. Katie acknowledges that pursuing one's life purpose may attract jealousy and criticism but asserts that it is necessary for personal elevation. Put on your rubber undies and get ready for some raw and real truth!

Katie is offering a 7-day free trial of the Ambitchious app so you can try it before you buy it. https://view.flodesk.com/pages/647f2edddfd04634e997672f

Or, if you are ready to take the leap and change your life in ways you never even dreamed possible then here is the link to purchase the app: www.ambitchiousapp.com

This podcast is all about redefining the word “bitch” from a derogatory one to the acronym Being In Total Control of Herself. Katie Boyd will teach you how to use the very stones thrown at you to power your purpose and build your empire. You and only you can create and curate a life of happiness, abundance, and magic. Join Katie for some truth bombs, life tools, laughs and spiritual smack talk.

If you want personal empowerment with respect to your lifestyle, spirituality, health, fitness, and nutrition this is the podcast for you!

Bitchapalooza: https://buy.stripe.com/fZe5lu2vq5yieIg28y

Head to kbmfc.com for the inside scoop on everything Ambitchious.
