XF: Close through the Dark - Chapter 3 by Darwin xf - MA
JAN 29
Description Community
Story: Close through the Dark
Author: Darwin_xf
Rating: MA
Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14453136/chapters/33387672
Read by: Annie

Summary: TW: dubcon

A long time ago in a galaxy much like our own but with no smartphones, Mulder and Scully explore the vicissitudes of family, the metaphysics of sex, the intersection of desire and power, the merits of Skinner, the confines and conventions of gender, the inadequacy of language, a deep dark secret or two, and—most importantly—each other. Basically, nothing happens.

Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.