59. Self-Care: Building a Life You Don’t Have to Escape From with Brittney Lollis Tolar
NOV 21, 2023
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What does it take to start building a life you don’t have to escape from? My guest this week is Brittney Lollis Tolar, a licensed clinical social worker. She’s been working in mental health for 12 years now, starting in addiction treatment. She has her own private telehealth practice serving clients throughout Texas, and she has some amazing tools to help her clients creative lives they can be truly present for.


Tune in this week to discover the secrets to building a life you don’t have to escape from. Brittney is sharing why drugs and alcohol aren’t the problem, rather they’re the solution to a problem much deeper, and she’s sharing the work she does with her clients to address the root cause of why their life doesn’t look the way they want it to.


To learn more, come visit us at DrCrockett.com, or find us on YouTube for the Dr. Crockett Show.
