215 - The Wheel of Fortune and Fiberglass Gun Stocks
JAN 08, 2024
Description Community

Often times it is hard to see God working in our lives, but easy to look back and see where God was. Today's show is no different. We are bringing back Matt Tandy of AG Composite stocks to share more of his story. 

When we last had Matt on the show, he and I were talking post production and he shared with me some interesting information about himself and how God provided for him in an unusual manner. So right then and there I invited him back, to get him to share this story and message with you. 

In a random act of grace, God used an opportunity for his wife to appear on the Wheel of Fortune and what transpired is a great story. 

If you want to hear the first episode with Matt Tandy of AG Composites, go to episode 198 and you'll hear the first show where Matt shares how AG Composits came into being, and how God has provided all along the way.

