Are you saying don't use any body practices? Listener question
MAY 28, 2023
Description Community

Would really appreciate your thought's on The Polyvagal Theory, titration,/pendulation and the value of having someone’s presence as you ‘feel the feelings’

When I first came to your work, I was often not able to simply sit in the feeling of deeper suffering, whereas with  learning to stabilise my body-mind through the breath, I find my capacity to sit in the suffering seems to have increased.

My understanding is that the body is not able to heal when it is in fight/flight so being able to settle to a more parasympathetic state with the intention to revisit the suffering from that place has been helpful for me, however it sounds to me like you are saying it is better to just sit in the suffering no matter what, and not to use any substances or techniques to ease your way into it. Is that correct or am I misinterpreting you?
