Feelings and health anxiety: listener question
MAY 17, 2023
Description Community

I have a question about physical symptoms that continue while doing this exploration. My struggle area happens to be health fears but the question could apply to any area that seems to cause stress, anxiety, panic attacks, etc. 

Although I logically know that health fears are a bit of insanity since they revolve around a complete unknown, clearly something still looks real and believable because the scary thoughts and uncomfortable physical symptoms continue to arise. (For weeks before any upcoming appointment, *danger* *danger* thoughts arise as part of my childhood conditioning. They ramp up as the appointment gets closer, during it, and after it if I have to wait for results.)

It makes sense that peace is the ability to have it all, and in the midst of any emotion and experience, to continually put attention on what doesn’t change. But what about the toll the physical symptoms take on the body, especially if it’s been a lifetime of them? It seems like the belief that they could be continually harming the body stands in the way of peace - it’s what causes fear and resistance now, more than the sensations themselves and the stories about the appointments and results. 
