Is this a mirror? Listener question
MAY 23, 2023
Description Community

I don’t know if this is ok or not to ask you directly? 

Reading Sane. Page 46. Can you please clarify re “Forgetting this, the self believes itself to be a real entity that must be secured and defended. It looks out on a world that is full of danger. It forgets that it is looking in a mirror”. 

I was working through an example of this - so thinking of a colleague at work who I feel threatened by/feel in danger around/get fight/flight response around because I think she is harsh and belligerent. Does this mean that harsh and belligerent thinking is arising in ‘me’ but it’s too threatening to the identity /idea of me who always has to be a ‘nice’ person/or always kind person to be liked, so I project it out onto Julie who is then actually just a mirror to the harsh and belligerent thinking in ‘me’? 

Or am I just getting completely tied up in knots here? 
