How can you plan and prepare for a career pivot? Any career transition can be filled with uncertainty, but there's a lot we can focus on within our control that can ease our anxiety around this period of time.
This episode of E-ficionado with Business Simplicity Coach, Delanie Fischer, includes:
A worksheet with prompts and exercises to help you gather your thoughts, get organized, and craft personalized action steps can be found here:
9 things you can do to prepare for the transition from a conventional career to full-time entrepreneurship
How to recognize when it’s time to leave your day job
The biggest issue that prevents entrepreneurs and business owners from increasing their revenue
Steps for creating a personalized action plan for your career pivot
If you're a part-time or full-time service provider who would like to apply for a comped 15 minute Business Solution Call with Delanie to discuss your business goals and any obstacles you may be experiencing visit
Edited by Kris Hillberg
Cover art by Patrick Nicely
Photo by Tillah Freckleton
Song by OctoSound
Sound effects by Zapsplat
Find the transcript for this episode here