178: It's melting! | Kuffs (1992)
MAR 26, 2024
Description Community

What is it about Christian Slater? He has the charm to basically almost carry anything. Well, Kuffs is a little known action comedy from 1992 that only really survives because of the magic of our lead character. Charles picked this one and it was a light refresher into why the 90s had such a diverse group of film genres. 

We talk about the unexpected fashion we loved, just wonder what the hell this script was about, and take a look at the recent work of Slater and why this movie would have made a fun tv series.

Off-topic rants include: my GOT watching progress, Real World: Hawaii, and I ask Charles whether or not I should start watching Scandal 


Get BONUS episodes on 90s/00s TV and culture (Freaks & Geeks, My So Called Life, Buffy, 90s culture documentaries, and more...) and to support the show join the  Patreon! 

Host: Lauren @lauren_melanie  & Charles @charleshaslam

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