Creating Intentional Spaces on a Budget
FEB 09, 2023
Description Community
In this episode PJ Dunn and Scott Sullivan interview:
Dallas White, GBMB Young Leaders Network Director and pastor at The Grove Church in Ackworth GA. Dallas has revitalized The Grove Church in many aspects, including designing and updating intentional spaces on a limited budget.

Kyle Clayton is the pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Cartersville, leading their church through revitalization and facility updates. They have intentionally improved areas in their building to help create a disciple-making culture by utilizing volunteers for design and construction.

• How do environments, decorations, branding, and renovations communicate?
• How to utilize church members to make updates and what parts should we reserve for professionals?
• Key budget-saving tips and ideas when renovating?
• Main issues why churches do not update spaces and environments and proven solutions & principles to consider?
• Winston Churchill, “success is moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
• How can intentional environments stir people’s affection for the Lord and help make disciples?
• Six concepts to consider as you create intentional spaces:
 Renovated people to match renovated spaces
 Assess your current situation
 Trust is the relational soil in which individual and organizational change happens
 Start with a Holy Spirit breathed vision
 Flexibility in implementation
 Surround yourself with quality leaders
 Build Momentum through member engagement
 Make the process a fun and rewarding experience