Devi Gita (Class 32): ”Indescribable” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati
MAY 11, 2023
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Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 2, verses 3 & 4 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 10 May 2023.

अप्रतर्क्यमनिर्देश्यमनौपम्यमनामयम् |

तस्य काचित् स्वतः सिद्धा शक्तिर्मायेति विश्रुता || ३ ||

apratarkyam-anirdeśyam-anaupamyam-anāmayam |

tasya kācit svataḥ siddhā śaktirmāyeti viśrutā || 3 ||

3. "It is beyond reason, indescribable, incomparable, incorruptible. From out of itself evolves a certain power renowned as Maya."


न सती सा नाऽसती सा नोभयात्मा विरोधतः |

एतद्विलक्षणा काचिद्वस्तुभूतास्ति सर्वदा ||

na satī sā nā’satī sā nobhayātmā virodhataḥ | etadvilakṣaṇā kācid-vastu-bhūtāsti sarvadā || 4 ||

4. "Neither real nor unreal is this Maya, nor is it both, for that would be incongruous. Lacking such characteristics, this indefinite entity has always subsisted."
