Halloween Humor
OCT 31, 2023
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This week we sample some classic Halloween Humor from everyone ranging from Bo Diddley and Tom Lehrer to Joe Flaherty and Bobby "Boris" Pickett. While Christmas remains the big dog among holidays for comedy records, Halloween has a more than respectable showing, particularly in the 1940s and 60s, the heyday of novelty songs reaching the Billboard Top 40 charts. So if you aren't able to sneak enough candy from you child (or grandchild's) treat bag, enjoy these comedy confections (plus no calories). As always, find complete cuts below and thanks for listening and sharing our shows.

Want more Halloween Humor?

Jerry Seinfeld is a master at observing everyday life and his Halloween routine is a brilliant look inside a kid's mind on the one day a year when the manta is "get candy!" https://www.facebook.com/nationalcomedycenter/videos/360617858385857/?mibextid=zDhOQc

If you lived on the East Coast, your faux Dracula tv host was Philly DJ John Zacherle -- known as the "Cool Ghoul" -- who scored a national hit with the tasty Dinner with Drac.https://youtu.be/vZa_kmCxflg?si=mMI9cAsU6mpcBVzx

Novelty song king Allan Sherman couldn't resist getting into the Dracula act with "My Son the Vampire." To be honest, it isn't his best, but man is he committed to a premise -- you will never hear the word "blood" the same way again! https://youtu.be/9B4HroAm78o?si=UY4V0JloLgSU6I-N'

Tune into SCTV back in the early 1980s and you might see Joe Flaherty adopt the persona of Count Floyd, lame late night tv movie host. His movies -- usually 3D stinkers -- would often feature John Candy's "Dr. Tongue" in a key role. Case in point -- this epic Monster Chiller Horror Theater -- featuring Dr. Tongue's 3D House of Cats! https://youtu.be/SMQ8qSEVFo0?si=04oWeuTwAntHIfOt

A legend in satirical song, Tom Lehrer's career was brief but stellar. This clip, taken from a 1967 Danish tour, features one of Tom's most macabre melodies -- "I Hold Your Hand in Mine". https://youtu.be/I9C2v1oLXQo?si=GcqRYbpDWqC2MJ9y

1959 saw voice actor Bob McFadden unleash a truly odd character -- Dor -- which was the backwards spelling of his recording partner, poet Rod McKuen. https://youtu.be/boMW2kVgk34?si=jSZ6AqOzF-ARHYD0

Lambert, Hendricks and Ross are legends of vocalese -- the blending of jazz, scat singing, and sound effects and nowhere did it come together better than in Halloween Spooks. https://youtu.be/7adiWXwPCqU?si=iLbaDsTAO6sAFQeZ

The 1950s and 60s being the era of dance crazes, it's no surprise that Halloween has seen its share. First up, Bo Diddley, adapting his signature style to "Bo Meets The Monster." https://youtu.be/nc6mcuQ-T0A?si=lIopmrH8VZw_oOIz

Once you've seen Ted Cassidy's Lurch character you won't forget him -- but in case you need a reminder here is a long forgotten disc in which Ted teaches us to Do the Lurch. https://youtu.be/p8w4fOBJd_s?si=Am3zRV0X9a3y8FOD

Could we forget the Big Daddy of Halloween hits -- Bobby "Boris" Pickett's Monster Mash? Nope and here it is in all its cheesy glory -- and it still brushes the Top singles charts on occasion! https://youtu.be/vNuVifA7DSU?si=scJz5lV0KXs6PblJ
