A Smidgeon of Pigeon with Erik Eastman
JAN 03
Description Community

The Ice Man, Erik Eastman, is back as Libation for Everyone's first three-peat guest. More like Erik THREESTMAN, amirite? Easy is a longtime listener favorite. His appearances on the program are never short on insightfulness, deep dives, or hot quotes ("it's your mouth" is perhaps LFE's most frequently referenced guest quote), and this convo is no exception.

Erik shared highballs with the boys, featuring several select Beam Suntory whiskeys, and tells all about what's icy this winter, including new info on the world's largest ice bar in Minneapolis, and a heck of a lot more, including these topics:

🤤 Name a food that you totally lack self control around.

↕️ It's 2024! Name one thing that's "in" and one thing that's "out" this year.

🧊 How do you chill or find peace after a chaotic day?

👀 What's something you've developed a taste or interest for that would be surprising to you or those close to you in prior years?

👩‍🏫 Name a thankless job that deserves higher pay and greater recognition.

🍹 What's an underrated cocktail mixer or ingredient?

High balls, higher frequencies. Tune in!

Beverages of Choice

The hosts and their guest drank whiskey highballs containing these whiskeys, courtesy of Beam Suntory:


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