Ep. 491: How Do We Reconcile Today's Difficulties With This Double Month of Joy and Redemption Leading Into Pesach?
APR 01, 2024
Description Community

Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:
What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today? 

  • How do you maintain a positive and joyous outlook with all the troubles brewing around us? 

  • How do we reconcile the difficulties we are facing today with this double month of joy and the redemption of Purim leading into the redemption of Pesach? 

  • What is the main theme of Parshas HaChodesh, and what lessons can we derive from this unique chapter? 

  • What is the significance of the four special parshios we read between these weeks – from Adar through Nissan? 

  • Do they correlate to the four worlds of Atzilus Beriah Yetzira and Asiya? 

  • What is the main theme of Parshas Shemini and what are its lessons for us? 

  • What do we learn from the story of Nadav and Avihu? 

  • What takes precedence: Winning the war or freeing the hostages? 

  • How do you respond to those that try to create a moral equivalence between both sides? 

  • Should we excommunicate a Jew who attacks Israel? 

  •  Should we sing Napoleons March every day as a reminder that we will be victorious in the war?

  • What can we do differently after Chof Zayin Adar and Gimmel Tammuz to help bring Moshiach? 

  • What did the Rebbe say that we should be doing when a Rebbe has a stroke? 

  • Is Moshiach here or not here? 

  • How are we sure that after Moshiach comes our negative behavior will not reverse the process? 

  • Should Moshiach’s imminent coming make us work faster and harder, with a greater sense of urgency, to finish our job? 

  • Why is this time right before the Geulah compared to Erev Shabbos? 

The Gaza War Moshiach What can we learn from the bridge collapse in Baltimore? 
Is it wrong for a Rabbi to use an artificial intelligence program to write his weekly Dvar Torah? 

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