The Last Moments of Cindy James |Final
JAN 16, 2023
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I'm back to finish up the Cindy James story, and sadly, it doesn't have a happy ending. Poor Cindy spent the better part of a decade being harassed and tormented by an unknown assailant. She was left terrifying messages, her home was broken into, and her place set on fire on multiple occasions. The RCMP investigated and spent more than a million dollars on looking into these events for Cindy, until eventually they sort of gave up. The said she was likely doing this to herself and that was that. 

Well, that was that until she died. She was found in the backyard of an abandoned house, hogtied, with a cocktail of drugs in her system. Around the scene was graffiti, and everything pointed to murder. Her stalker had finally got her... Right? Well, the RCMP concluded that this was a suicide, if you can believe that. During an inquiry into the case, a knot expert said she could have tied herself up before the effects of all the narcotics in her system kicked in. I don't know if I believe that. Regardless, her case was eventually closed citing the entire thing as an unknown event.

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