Psalm 136:13-16 - The LORD is My Shepherd
FEB 28, 2024
Description Community

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday February 29, I will
be leaving for Jordan with a wonderful team to minister to Iraqi, Syrian, and
Palestinian refugees. There are over one million refugees in the city of Amman
Jordan. We sure would appreciate and covet your prayers for our team during this
10-day trip to a very special area of our world!

This means that my daily pastor chats might not be so
daily. I will do my best to post ministry updates, pastor chats, pictures and
videos, as our time, schedule, and internet access permits. Once again, thank
you for your patience and prayers during these next 10 days. We return on Saturday,
March 9 and hope to get back to our daily chats as soon as possible!

You should never forget the main emphasis of Psalm 136! If
someone asks you what is in Psalm 136 you should be able to immediately reply, “For
His mercy endures forever!”
  Or, as
some versions translate it, “For His steadfast love endures forever!”

Psalm 136 describes creation of the world and the beginning
and history of Israel all the way to the book of Judges in verses 23-25. But it
also describes our spiritual journey as believers and followers of Jesus
Christ. First in verses 1-9, we should never forget to remind ourselves that
God is our creator, and He gives us breath in our lungs, hearts that beat, and
a mind to think with! We are totally dependent upon Him for our very existence to
enjoy this beautiful, orderly creation we live in! Never forget that God is our
Creator who brought us forth into this world!

Next in verses 10-12, we rejoice that God is our Redeemer! Because
of sin we are enslaved and in bondage to Satan, like Israel in Egypt. But like God
brought Israel out of Egypt, He has brought us out of our sinful state in bondage
and set us free through the sacrifice of His precious Lamb, the Lord Jesus
Christ! All because “His mercy endures forever!”

Now, in verses 13-16, we find that God is our Shepherd Who
brings us through the “wilderness” of life! One of the greatest miracles
in history takes place when the Lord brought Israel through the sea that He
parted so they could walk across on dry ground and at the same time He destroy
the armies of Pharoah (vv. 13-15). God then led Israel through the wilderness
(v. 16). A pillar of cloud guided them by day and a pillar of fire by night
(Ex. 13:21-22).

God first led them to Sinai where they remained for over a
year while Moses received and taught the divine law and supervised the
construction of the tabernacle. The nation needed the discipline of the law and
the delight of worship before they were ready to enter Canaan and take the
land. Israel's unbelief and disobedience at Kadesh Barnea sent them back into
the wilderness (Num. 13-14) where that rebellious generation died during the
next thirty-eight years of wandering. But even then, God miraculously provided
food for them to eat by raining down Manna on them everyday and bringing water
out of rocks for them to drink!  Moses
commanded the new generation to remember those wilderness years and obey the
Word of God (Deut. 8).

My friend, as believers we are also on a spiritual journey through
the “wilderness of sin”, (Exodus 16:1, 17:1), and we need God’s
protection and provisions every day!  Indeed,
we need not worry or fear because the Lord Jesus Christ is our Shepherd in this
life (Psalm 23:1; 78:52-55; 80:1; John 10:11-14; Heb. 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4) and
throughout eternity (Rev. 7:17). He is the true Manna sent down from heaven
(John 6:41-51)! He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6)! Jesus
knows us by name and if we will by faith follow Him, we can be assured of His “mercy
and goodness that will follow us all the days of our lives”
(John 10:3-4;
Psalm 23:6). 

Yes, today you can rejoice because “His mercy and
steadfast love endures forever”!

God bless!
