'My 7-year-old son wants to tell all the girls about periods. Is that ok?'
JUL 13, 2021
Description Community

This week, let’s chat about what to do 

if your 7-year-old boy has just learned about periods – 

and you’re worried he’s going to share this exciting new info

with all of his friends!! 

Including his friends who are going to get periods someday, 

and who might not know about them yet. 

My answer to this question is from the Courage pillar of the Evolved Family method, 

which gives you the skills to speak up about complex stuff, 

and build more connection with your child as you do that.

And, it helps you to run interference between your child and the world at large,  

where other people might be thinking and parenting differently.

Unlike most of our own parents, we know 

that kids need to have the info about sex, puberty, bodies, babies and all the things.

And we know that giving our kids this information 

keeps them safer. 

But what happens when our parenting bumps up against the outside world? 

Where maybe other kids don’t have this info? 

Because maybe other parents don’t believe they should have it?

This is a complex one. So do watch  this week’s episode for the full details. 

And if you feel like you could use some extra support for this part of your parenting, comment below or send me a DM. I’m here to help...

x Sarah
