Sporlitiks, Where Sports & Politics Mix & Mingle
JAN 19, 2022
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The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is being questioned as whether it is an endemic-what is an ENDEMIC or a Pandemic-Dr. Fauci and other’s have the answer; as the regular NFL season over, we will talk about week one of the playoffs; today, the Senate began its debate on the filibuster; Djokovic has been deported from Australia; America has seen a rise in the Omicron variant in it’s nursing homes; Senators Sinema & Manchin stick to their guns in opposition to filibuster; the Biden administration regroups after Supreme court loss on COVID mandated vaccines; the J6 committee just announced new supeonas for those they see as instrumental in the insurrection, and more, if we can fit it in, at our new day and time, Tuesday, 7pm.