East coast tribe represent! We are gonna get to the bottom of the Delta 8/9 debacle that is not only confusing but possibly harming the public we all know this but Dr Mark @mbesau is gonna explain this and the THCA that seems to have further confuse the rest of us. Also Adam will be coming in live from the east coast’s original cannabis club @tetrahydroclub
In Wakefield Rhode Island. Joining him will be the legend himself Jordan expect lots of surprise guests from Adam’s past including @sour_family_genetics @somethingfromtimmy representing Happy Valley @unlockyourexperience out of mass speaking of which there may not be some more of the Chemmy types rolling in to both studios so Keep an eye out for @dawgzdazegardenz in Denver and some Mister E guest here in RI care of the Bro That sounded ominous didn’t it? So get that @dabx GO rig charged your @jerome_baker bong Clean with some 🧊 for good measure and your @yoproductsllc Yo-Tips ready to rock for another three hour edition of youtube.com/adamdunnshow 4:20 to 7:10 MT #sagemastaselect #seedsherenow #tetrahydroclub #sohicafe #eastcoast #socialclub #warpt4life #herbanhouse #davesstillhere #DabX