245 - How animals that eat corals affect fisheries with Dani Escontrela
JAN 21, 2024
Description Community

This week, Elise (IG: @elise_the_mermaid) chats with Dani Escontrela, a PhD candidate studying the cushion star and other corallivores at the University of Hawaii Manoa. They talk about Dani's work with the Peace Corps, the relationships between coral reefs and fisheries, and the many challenges of studying corallivory - including keeping sneaky cushion stars in their cages! 

Main point: Choose good leaders at all levels

Dani's website: https://www.daniescontrela.com/

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Thanks as always to Andrew Gialanella for the fantastic intro/outro music. The Fisheries Podcast is a completely independent podcast, not affiliated with a larger organization or entity. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the podcast. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by the hosts are those of that individual and do not necessarily reflect the view of any entity with those individuals are affiliated in other capacities (such as employers).
