Holiday Recap Episodes | Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer | William Li
JAN 02, 2024
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Welcome back to the Lindsay Elmore show. As you may know, we are taking a couple of weeks off to celebrate the holidays and we would not leave you without an episode for the week. So, what we are doing is we are highlighting some of our top rated podcasts of 2023, as well as circling back to some of the podcasts that maybe weren't chart toppers, but we're some of my very favorite interviews to conduct this year.

Today's interview is with Dr. William Lee. Dr. Lee is an internationally renowned physician. His books are New York Times Bestsellers Eat to Beat Disease and Eat to Beat Your Diet. When we eat to beat our diet we are better able to burn fat to heal our metabolism as well as have an extended lifespan.

A mutual theme with our different presenters that life is not about a lifespan. It's about a health span. How long are you going to live while staying healthy? That's what we want to talk about. So what a treat it is for me to get to talk to Dr. Lee again about how we can eat to beat your diet.

Referenced in the episode:
The Lindsey Elmore Show Ep 225 | The Hormonal Blindspot: Why Ignoring Your Hormones Can Harm Your Health | Beth Westie
The Lindsey Elmore Show 230 | Embracing Metabolic Change: Individualized Approaches for Every Stage of Life | Ian Smith

To learn more about William Li and his work, head over to
IG @drwilliamli

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