Episode 22 - Create Your New Normal By Living Like My Black Grandmother
MAY 07, 2020
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In Episode 22, I discuss the #NewNormal and How You Can Create Your #NewNormal by living like my Black Grandmother. The New Normal is forecasted to be an Orwellian existence where you must submit to temperature checks, prove that you have been vaccinated, work from home and pay high prices for everything from soap to meat. If you submit to the urban dream of living in exciting cities like New York and Atlanta, this might be your future. However, if you are willing to move to an urban community and live like my Black Grandmother, I promise you that life will be much better.

My black grandmother had organic meat and veggies for every meal and never had to pay Sprouts a dime for that food. She grew it all in her 2-acre garden. She eat organic eggs for breakfast that she collected from the chicken coup in the front yard. She made her own home remedies to avoid the cost of high-priced medicines. Life wasn't always easy, but she and my grandfather lived free.

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If you like conspiracies, you will love my podcast Event Horizon. Event Horizon is the podcast that would be born if David Icke and the X-Files had a baby. https://www.spreaker.com/show/event-arising

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