All About the Henry’s Fork, with Brandon Hoffner
MAR 18, 2024
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My guest this week is Brandon Hoffner [35:55], executive director of the Henry’s Fork Foundation, and the topic is the diverse habitat and trout-fishing opportunities of this world-famous river that has influenced so many anglers, techniques, and fly patterns over the years.  Like all trout rivers today, the Henry’s Fork also has its share of environmental issues and we’ll explore how the Henry’s Fork Foundation works to maintain this magical fishery.


In the Fly Box this week, we have a roundup of questions and tips from listeners, including:

  • What is the advantage of a 9 ½-foot rod over a 9-footer or 10-footer?
  • A great tip from a listener on how to remove salt water from flies you have fished
  • When would you use a Tenkara rod over a traditional Western rod?  And do you have a favorite Tenkara rod?
  • Does Tom Rosenbauer actually tie the flies in the Orvis Tom Rosenbauer fly selection?
  • What is the history of the famous Orvis Far & Fine graphite rod, and what line would you put on it?
  • For small creeks, is it better to use a 2-weight or a 3-weight line?
  • What can I substitute for goose biots on the tail of a stonefly nymph?
  • Can you explain the pros and cons of polyleaders vs. sink-tip fly lines?
  • What are the best fly lines on the new Helios 7 ½-foot 3-weight rod and the new 8-foot, 5-inch 7-weight rod?
  • A listener talks about how he uses the new Orvis wading staff as a hiking staff as well.
  • Will the heat inside a car in summer hurt my Orvis raincoat?
  • A call from Captains for Clean Water with some great news from the Everglades
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