The Angel Rock
APR 02, 2024
Description Community

Hey My Angel Rockers!!! Please join Me Monday, April 1st/2024 from 5pm-7pmCST/6pm-8pm EST when I have My very close friends, highly requested returning & Special Guests Leigh Ann Clark & Debbie A Anderson on Tonight. Happy Easter & April Fool’s Day! Leigh Ann Clark, who is a gifted Channeller, a Crystal Expert & Akashic Records Practitioner & Debbie A. Anderson, a very Gifted Medium as well as Psychic & creator of her own multiple Oracle Decks join Me Tonight as You’ve requested; to continue the discussion about energy, portals, time lines, the magic & potential each of Us possesses & so much more! ***PLEASE NOTE THE LINKS TO WATCH LIVE ARE ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ IN THE COMMENTS **** #live #podcast #roku #youtube #Spirituality#healing #unexplained#healing #Dragon #Eclipse #AprilFools #Love #SpiritCommunication #psychic #medium #paranormal #Energy #Portal #Adventure #ghosts #Spooky
