Spiritpreneur® School: Spiritual Business for Entrepreneurs


Spiritpreneur® School is a spiritual business, mindset, spirituality and empowerment podcast hosted by Abiola Abrams. A spiritpreneur® is a spirited and spiritual business person who is a conscious and heart-centered entrepreneur. Our empowerment and business guru guests range from CFOs to professional creatives who have can say, I have answered my calling, found my purpose, and I am rocking it in online business and conventional. These (mostly) women in business are brilliant thinkers who have overcome challenges to live out loud. If you want to know how to answer your calling and live on purpose, you are in the right place.

Empowerment coach, spiritual teacher and advice columnist Abiola Abrams is the founder of award-winning self-worth site Womanifesting.com. She is also the author of the award-winning advice guide, The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love.

Available on


1123 episodes

Modern Day Alchemy & the Power of Your Intuition: Happy Goddess Temple Sunday

Hi Beautiful! Busy and exciting week ahead. Tomorrow (Monday 10/9 and Tuesday 10/10) we begin the VIP Prosperous Priestess Classes for this month. You can still register at http://RichGoddess.club https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHR1Qk1PQjJVdXFyOFIwQVkxa1FnajlGSXlPZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsOVNjOHAzNGdRVFBVMmZNMUd3aEd1MzRYWjRiYkthTC1tY3FKd0wyWG5fWDVIRFlTMFN4aExFSElHcUhacVQxTlA5aGhKZUxqZFpxMFRLclFoWDZ6aU9jZjRQaVBkdDNyVHVPcFI4QnRvZ1M0REQ0Zw&q=http%3A%2F%2FRichGoddess.club%2F&v=vomaY4FgVE8 AND on WEDNESDAY my African Goddess Rising Oracle School is launching. For more info email: abiolaabrams@gmail.com and someone will get right back to you.

Oct 11, 2023
Vision Boards and Beyond! Divine Feminine Manifesting Day 2

Learn more at: http://RichGoddess.club https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3c5ZjQ4dGYxRFlQcFQwc1hIWW1ZdW0tTG1Zd3xBQ3Jtc0ttSk9BXzcxTFpwQ3dMcFp2dWtidUNZX2RJbEkyTjBNUXZfc3NPenlCRXBuc1doRHVIdHJlbHU1R252UGpHSFhsamNWbXVSM3ZJRTlwYjloWElRdGpLeWRtTllJOW1JYmtWMjFlUFN5OUtQbVNDVDNYRQ&q=http%3A%2F%2FRichGoddess.club%2F&v=_da6AFJIc6E

1h 21m
Oct 02, 2023
Divine Feminine Manifesting Day 1

Learn more at: http://RichGoddess.club https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHNPRW9qMEZlVWdnZ3luY1RGT0ZmNmlWLVJJd3xBQ3Jtc0ttcW1wMS1FTHI0VEJKUEpWT21USzI0c3p4Qy11WTRMaHgySlQ0bWdFTkU5bVEtcFlFT0hMSW5PeDE2RmRhcXhsTTVvMWM4U0o1eGVBd3hXNnpQOWJ2ZWQ3Q1p2eGtPMW81RmptcHdkRVVPVWRIMF93NA&q=http%3A%2F%2FRichGoddess.club%2F&v=49h0AmwbUII - Upgrade to the VIP and join us!

1h 35m
Oct 02, 2023
Your Comfort Zone is a Prison (Happy Goddess Temple Sunday!)

Your comfort zone is a prison! Let's talk about it. Happy Goddess Temple Sunday!! If you're interested in joining my new interview only program, The Priestesshood, text Goddess Jo (973-298-0860) and hop on the phone to see if it is a fit. If you've already worked with me, then no interview is needed, but feel free to still text and reconnect. I want a small and powerful group.

Oct 02, 2023
Why Empaths Struggle with Manifesting

New FREE 2-DAY Prosperous Priestess Masterclass coming later this week -- WEDS & THURS!! Divine Feminine Manifesting Secrets! Register FREE at: http://RichGoddesses.com https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG5wSW85THlYdWZxYnpQdjR5ZVBGQVZFR3o4d3xBQ3Jtc0trdUJ4ZEZoLXZDUjB6Vmt2b2JwNnB4MGpBbmJuU25BMFotTUUteUNRem92OWpUbmp2dS1IXzVacm9MaEtTYUhpRE9wcTNEU1dHeS1ra2lLRm0wcHM1ZUoyaHZLdUdrV2JWR1UzMHF5dFJCbndZLWxqTQ&q=http%3A%2F%2FRichGoddesses.com%2F&v=NuE4z90jqGk Happy GAWDESS TEMPLE SUNDAY!! :-) And happy Autumn Equinox -- 🌙 Why Goddess Empaths Struggle with Manifestation: The Hidden Blocks and How to Turn Them Into Your Manifesting Superpowers 🌙 Are you an empath who finds manifesting your dreams to be an uphill battle? Feel like you’re always there for everyone else but your own desires seem just out of reach? You're not alone, and it's not your fault. Today we'll dive deep into: ✨ The emotional overwhelm that often trips up empaths ✨ The energy drains of over-giving and how they stifle your manifesting power ✨ Why some empaths unconsciously fear success or abundance ✨ The diluted intentions that scatter your manifesting focus By understanding these hidden blocks, you can turn them into your manifesting superpowers. Ready for transformation? This is a taste of what you'll get in-depth in my upcoming FREE 2-Day Manifesting Masterclass, designed specifically for empaths and spiritual women. Don't miss it! 👇 REGISTER FOR THE FREE MASTERCLASS HERE 👇 http://RichGoddesses.com https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkF4R2ZvS2M5Q3JMenlBaThmMDBxaExTVnotZ3xBQ3Jtc0trS2VENkRua1Vaa3J4dEE1Zl9lTkRVRFN2dWg2NUtoaml5Mjd2UnZxTkRMcnZKVGVteGNPbm01TTNwdXRRSWdhY1hJLTNwWGxaZTBVMFFKd1ZvRENOZGlaWGZuQWZMcEgyZXZsWW14VFIxVEdXc1FMcw&q=http%3A%2F%2FRichGoddesses.com%2F&v=NuE4z90jqGk

Sep 25, 2023
What if Life Was Rigged in Your Favor? Goddess Temple Sunday!

Happy Goddess Temple Sunday! Busy, magical week!! African Goddess Rising Pocket deck launch this TUESDAY -- LIVE on Hay House and Amazon!!

Sep 20, 2023
Healing & Forgiveness with Ho’oponopono [Goddess Temple Sunday]

Happy Goddess Temple Sunday! New African Goddess Rising Oracle POCKET Deck at: https://a.co/d/0IBJebq https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmxoY2ZzYW5mb1N4OEcwMExQVXVOV3pYdTZtd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSEtfZW1IT3I5dEFXanAxLXdyYXZHeEJKTE9XRDVzSWhCTWU3b09kMldGenl4cFJkN3MyY3pTdXdQYS1BRVowYUI5ajRkdlpXWHpZTXNVVkpDWmxfNXMxdTBlT0lnZERMazBPUmM1Zm1tTTY5ZzE3VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fa.co%2Fd%2F0IBJebq&v=jC2NDCE6RGU AND IF you want to get in on a special and get SIX FIGURE SPIRITPRENEUR PRIESTESS LIVE COURSE and UPCOMING PRIESTESS CERTIFICATION COURSE, GET I NOW: https://womanifesting.com/six-figure-spiritpreneur/

Sep 13, 2023
Forgiving Them and Yourself

Did you get your pocket deck of the African Goddess Rising Oracle yet: https://tinyurl.com/PocketGoddess https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3VNTkVuUHNDVks4TzdiSFpFQXVxMmZ6d0REQXxBQ3Jtc0trSmdlZzIyejRWYzBBanpka18yeWkwaF9xbEZzcjJ0WWNibmlRcWpjWHB5bHowZnNTMmZIc29OVERSU3o5MU04bkZhdHU3eWtCT3ZtNFA5NWtRV0d5MzIxWHoyZ1lQRmxybGdyUXRCRm85YVBfbFd6TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2FPocketGoddess&v=NmZktMMFJ6Q Happy Goddess Temple Sunday! Can you forgive yourself? How about forgiving others? African Goddess Rising Oracle Deck (Pocket Version) Link: https://a.co/d/h77EzWt https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbi1CeVowOUgxM1JQVjFUMHhFcjdBSDhTNGFkd3xBQ3Jtc0tuS3lCUGhvUUt1MDJHdGVqcFhFSDJ4RkU3Ty1jczl2d3BTOUZmTWRCNlFTVlJ3dUhDWkpGWjZTMW8ydklBaUI1ZXl5cTdvWV94elhMVzJ6TnRqQVRydWdtdmhHa2FRdk9vWkkwbkZWWlY4dWVPOTBwdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fa.co%2Fd%2Fh77EzWt&v=NmZktMMFJ6Q

Sep 08, 2023
Manifesting a Justice & a Beautiful World

Enjoying the 8 days of Manifesting Like CRAZY -- go DEEPER here: http://tinyurl.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXpRQWc5NnBIQk5FMmw4bF9haVVJNHlEay1BZ3xBQ3Jtc0trZHM2WUkybUVzcmI2U19KZk5TS3Zma1V1TkJYMWhEbk10Vnp2ZjhPNFBKSno0SGduM29VQWYtOXFzR2dPU2lhN2JFVk9MYktWc3JlRHRvWkJob3ZKbWdja1pqRWJmNXlNNUFtUVFZbUhLaDlBMTJqZw&q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2FAbiola88&v=Uq40jkKAfwc

Aug 16, 2023
Believing is Seeing: The Key to Manifesting

Our Lion's Gate Manifesting Series is almost complete!! Sign up for free replays here: http://TinyURL.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2NkUVNjS0MwTmZ1OC1CNGJGcDdwS0FEQnlRQXxBQ3Jtc0ttcUtoeEpPMEJTYTNhbFNGM1pvdXlVUER3UWRRY0xpczROWmJwdGo4Ui1Ubkl6R2lsLUVEYnVzX1hTcDBFelFrS2ZncDA4aG1HbUd2VFhGNWRSZnJCMV9yRnNyR2J3N0NqM0RrU2t1LWxFMkxkTVVJaw&q=http%3A%2F%2FTinyURL.com%2FAbiola88&v=igB2LgeAz5A

Aug 16, 2023
Money Activation: Manifest Like Crazy Series

Want to Apprentice with me as a Thought Leader to Build Your six Figure Plus Biz? Learn more here -- and sign up for FREE Manifesting Replays: http://TinyURL.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazVHb241eUstMWpseWhJOEFUemo1WDg0RmdqQXxBQ3Jtc0trN3hoTVM1UkpnVlY0UnlISWxsN2lRMmFiQ1gzazd0TWhhaWdTWXl4bVhENmg4cUxUcUk1NEhsTzd2ai04R3d0MlJwcUFsVGxacEFBTHFWZ3BtS2hFM3VZaUpBNGpuV2tDQ1FMMU1PdmZPaVE3TngwVQ&q=http%3A%2F%2FTinyURL.com%2FAbiola88&v=u8uAyulzBxY

Aug 16, 2023
Manifest with One Word

Are you part of our 8 days of manifesting like crazy? Sign up free for the replays or work with me with what you are aligned with -- from $8 to $8888. Learn more here: http://TinyURL.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEdwTXFZVnhYVGQxNnpoRWFlQjFkNmxYRGZhZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttM2lPTDhHUGRPQm9iZVotOThzRUF3djVPWUU1eVlrVEhfQkV4bDFLamVoUVVDS3luZDltaXktdEdYcmNkZGxVZ3daNFlIbm45SDJMelZzb24xRjk0RjdydGRKZG1ob3QxeWdNdWpuRG5wVk5qVXBNbw&q=http%3A%2F%2FTinyURL.com%2FAbiola88&v=NiWADaO4AXU

Aug 14, 2023
How to Manifest Quickly

Lion's Gate 8 Days of Manifesting like CRAZY!! Work with me for $8 at http://TinyURL.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnJ0Q3BJeWM5Qk5janFFdVFTUVdCQUJsT2pmd3xBQ3Jtc0tsSDNLclVaYkI2OXBzTE0wcUJncTJTV0VDaFZPTWFPZW9iVGE2cTAtdjk4TWJwVnBYWWFHc0Z5WndNQXNlTl9GUmRpQnpRejFfcnJ4bEZsd1NUOUNiUVBPTkt1NUpXQlYzeGw3a2ZHaElRMFF6YUUxZw&q=http%3A%2F%2FTinyURL.com%2FAbiola88&v=z1XqVpoj3Uw

Aug 14, 2023
Manifesting a Deeper Love

The 8 days of ACTIVATIONS for 8-8 LION'S GATE kicks off with Manifesting Health. Want to work with me for $8? Sign up to go deeper and get all replays at : http://TinyURL.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0ZXMDlNS2pxMFpjR2NuT203WUNwQnFVVUJkUXxBQ3Jtc0tsTjljNEpFSllnUlJJWXJyS3JaY2VXMFkzNHFIb3ZrZm9ZUkJxWEItckhyWGs2S05DNnN4Q2E0UW4wR0lHRnpMd2NIbnlRSFdUdDhXVFhPbnBmeThTaXFXNmdnb3JHczNYN0VCNGRvbm5Pd3FsR3djMA&q=http%3A%2F%2FTinyURL.com%2FAbiola88&v=-saGO0wXxA0

Aug 11, 2023

The 8 days of ACTIVATIONS for 8-8 LION'S GATE kicks off with Manifesting Health. Want to work with me for $8? Sign up to go deeper and get all replays at : http://TinyURL.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblJmbmJSS1RMd195bUxwWS1sUnV0bF9BX29td3xBQ3Jtc0tsaU9kcURValNocHI1LVdBcC1UaFRqMzJ6UVNKbUxpSWtkUXBqYVc4a3VQcl9zZzQ0MUhWSEo5LVVZaWljN25kMHVDUEVYYkdVeUVldkR6ZmdJcFlDRWdDNzNtTUVOcXV2OFdKX1hSUkZVRElzS29Qcw&q=http%3A%2F%2FTinyURL.com%2FAbiola88&v=J4HYOQ52FCg

Aug 10, 2023
Lion’s Gate Activation for Manifesting: Day 1 of 8 (ALIGNS EARTH, SUN & SIRIUS - NOT THE MOON lol)

Want to get in on the MANIFEST LIKE CRAZY SALE OPPORTUNITY? Check out http://TinyURL.com/Abiola88 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmxPcUo3QVplVUR4RmdiRWxsa0pGdmlDOXR4d3xBQ3Jtc0tudjJuWjVzazJIbVB0UXpJRmRnd3BvY25SOWZTd0JkZ1NCcmdLRHQ3OGFGVy1kUjhEZVBqMGR3ZFZXYU5SU0k1SmpiUDBXVlE4Q0Nmam0zVDNXby0ySzBreXZQR3dtbXNjX2tUdmJFTU1lZlZoS01VSQ&q=http%3A%2F%2FTinyURL.com%2FAbiola88&v=7RYisx23SCQ   Lions Gate is an annual cosmic event that occurs on August 8th, marked by the alignment of the Earth, the star Sirius, and the sun. (NOT THE MOON LIKE i SAY IN THE VIDEO!! lol)   This alignment creates a powerful portal of energy, symbolizing heightened spiritual awareness, manifestation, and transformation.   It's a time of deep introspection, setting intentions, and embracing new beginnings.   Here's the link to sign up for the free daily series -- PLUS find the BUY NOW, PAY LATER sale items.   LINK: https://u.womanifesting.com/p/womanifest-like-crazy-opportunity

Aug 09, 2023
Fear of Being Yourself: Afraid to Be You

Let's talk about being afraid of being yourself 100%

Jul 18, 2023
Reinvent Yourself: How I Would Start Over Today

STOP getting ready to get ready...   It's time to unleash your inner power and create a business that sets your soul on fire!   Now, you might be wondering, why is this the absolute best time to build your spiritual business with all the STUFF going on in the world?   Well, goddess, let me tell you.   This course is designed specifically for spiritual women entrepreneurs like you: coaches, healers, empaths, teachers and lightworkers -- quantum leapers!!   More Info: https://keap.page/pfa387/six-figure-spiritpreneur-priestess-sale.html https://pfa387.keap-link017.com/v2/click/6de10227679bbe7eb26e45fbec069e2a/eJyNkMsKwkAMRf8l69aqLT66ExEpVReiaxlsqsE6hkwqivTfHR-4UnCbnNyT5AaK1ljNCkiBSxMP-hCA4JaY0Or4ZNVsn91OJ-4nAVRkD1M51Qzp7evsB3iU4yTp9gLQK6NnVsvROM8W080sW-QeZSPe8VdQtz1sf3Im81E2g6b5GYxH0snZZztIVWp8XFSQv0rXUnl-r8oujaIDGm6x2WH0skaOLmFJu1owdExCyn5DrCVkIXSKzoXOVNja67HyHsOMtng_Kcfry9bcAcmmcN4=   It doesn't matter if you don't have all the ideas figured out or if your purpose feels a bit fuzzy at the moment.   I'll help you gain crystal clarity and guide you every step of the way.   Imagine stepping into the spotlight with confidence, attracting your soulmate clients effortlessly, and serving them at the highest level.   With proven strategies, you'll learn how to become visible, build an engaged audience, and rise to a six figure plus thoughtleader  business.   This course will not only up your abundance but it'll empower you to overcome any fears of being seen and shine your radiant light out into the world.

Jul 10, 2023
Still Blocking Yourself? Do This Now... [Limiting Beliefs]

Let's talk about self-doubt and the limiting beliefs that hold you back... Did you download my FREE Goddess of Receiving Workbook yet? Here's the link: https://u.womanifesting.com/p/free-goddess-receiving-workbook

Jul 10, 2023
Scared to Fail - Getting Out of Your Own Way

I want to share some ideas with you on how you can overcome your fear of failing. First and foremost, I encourage you to embrace the possibility of failure. Instead of seeing it as a negative outcome, view it as a necessary step towards success. Remember, every successful person has experienced failure at some point, and it is often through failure that we learn and grow the most. Next, let's talk about changing your perspective. I urge you to shift your focus from the negative outcome of failure to the potential positive outcome of success. Taking risks and putting yourself out there is necessary for growth and achieving your goals. You got this! Taking action is also an effective way to overcome your fear of failure. Start small and take small steps towards your goals. Each small success can help build your confidence and reduce your fear of failure. And if you stumble, that's okay. Keep pushing forward, one step at a time. Positive self-talk is another powerful tool. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. You are capable of achieving your goals, and any setbacks or failures are simply opportunities to learn and grow. Finally, find support. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in your goals and encourage you to pursue your dreams. They can help build your confidence and provide a support system when you face setbacks or failures. I hope these tips help you overcome your fear of failing and start pursuing your dreams with confidence!

May 08, 2023
Activate Your Spiritpreneur | Chakras Goddess Temple Live

Happy Goddess Temple Sunday, beautiful!   Let's talk about the heart and the soul of your biz and creative ventures.    Your creative offerings and Spiritpreneur business have a unique energetic signature and a soul -- and chakras.   That's what we get into today for Goddess Temple Sunday -- video below.     BY THE WAY -- Did you register yet for the new LIVE Prosperous Priestess Masterclass https://pfa387.keap-link016.com/v2/click/02f90bab00375d8b4589d3d9c6dd4064/eJyNkMsKwjAQRf9l1tVa33RXRKRUXYiuJTTTGmwnIRkVKf13YxVXCq7n3HO50wAjCeJUQgymEKP5DAKwmCujkHihiUXeXaMoGs4DqBSdV1ZfDMTN1-wH6EKj6WQcAN8Nema_SxZZul0d1-k286gR1nf8JxpEw49nuUnSNbTtTzHWipdX73YQs73gc5FUfhUfbOX5E7NxcRjedC1IFehYUdnPdR2WWkp0rpefRFUhlRh6nTAGSb5_keH9JW0fSt9noA==? It is THIS Tuesday, May (!!!) 2nd, 2pm EST. Learn more and get started here: http://RichGoddess.club https://pfa387.keap-link016.com/v2/click/02442aba4b44752f07bb6c4b10ed5fe7/eJyNj0ELgkAQRv_LnCVTycSbiIhoHqTOsbkTLtm6rGMg4n9vs_BU0Hnee8M3AaFkkjIOIagr84I9WKCxFkqgpLiTxOrl6jiOG1jQCnlLdTcoCKev7goskufvfAtoVGiYYxXFeVam5yIrc4Mqps2P_0Jbx107ySHKCpjnn2G8C0oept1DSHrA1yIuzCo66dbwDZEKbbsSdZN2nGPfb-p2uBiTKYWSf2bnOL79-QkCPl9T    And if you REGISTERED but didn't get to sign up for the Prosperous Priestess VIP option -- definitely do so! You get a bonus class, workbooks and worksheets, a private Zoom room to ask questions, recordings and more!    Here's the free info link: https://womanifesting.com/goddess-challenge/ https://pfa387.keap-link016.com/v2/click/18e756e5120e44a304a5e1466d8b8b7b/eJyNkMsKwjAQRf9l1mptxQfdiZRSql2IriU0YxtsJyGZKiL9d-MDVwqu59xzuXMDRhLEmYQYzFFMFnMYgMVSGYXEK00syuc1DMNoMYBG0Sm1ujMQ375mP8AzNJlNfYivBj2z2y5XeVakh3VW5B41wvqO_0TjMPp4ks0yW0Pf_xRjqzg5e7eDmG2Hj0VS-VW8t43na2bj4iC46FaQOqJjRdWo1G1QaSnRuWFZi6ZBqjDwOmEMknz_IsfrS9rfAU5DZ6Q= 

May 01, 2023
African Spirituality Shadow Work Manifesting w Abiola Abrams The Lavendaire Lifestyle Podcast

Have you ever wondered why you don’t know much about African spirituality? Abiola Abrams explains why it’s no accident her culture has been excluded from mainstream spirituality, and how her work will empower you to discover your goddess within. Descended from West African healers, seers, and farmers, Abiola is an intuitive coach, transformational speaker, author of African Goddess Rising, and creator of the African Goddess Initiation Oracle deck. Timestamps: 1:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=91s — Abiola’s self love journey: Finding empowerment & embracing her culture 11:39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=699s — Tracing a healer lineage across generations and continents 17:47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=1067s — The pros and cons of immigrant parents’ expectations 21:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=1281s — African Goddess Rising; A divine assignment of ancient & modern rituals 24:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=1497s — A recipe for sweetening your manifestations, inspired by a Yoruba goddess 29:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=1750s — Whitewashing & why you don’t already know about African spirituality 36:03 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=2163s — How to tap into your inner goddess & shadow 44:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyH7OXLzvDU&list=PL37ErCJmMWd0FeimB5GcJ5r0MbWPdun_W&index=45&t=2640s — Lessons on teaching self love as a new mother

1h 0m
Apr 29, 2023
Welcome to Wooniverse with Goddess Abiola

Happy New Moon, Gorgeous! Are you ready for an inspiring, uplifting and heartfelt conversation that’ll leave you wishing it was twice as long? I sat down with my friend Colette Baron-Reid on her podcast INSIDE THE WOONIVERSE and am SO excited to share this beautiful conversation with you.   Here’s Colette Barron Reid’s description of the episode: At every moment we are given an opportunity to tune into the magic of life,but how can we transmute our limiting beliefs? What practices and sacred ritualscan help deepen our connection and understanding of the Divine? This week on INSIDE THE WOONIVERSE https://playlist.megaphone.fm/?e=TAID4225521444, I’m speaking with Abiola Abrams, award-winning author, intuitive self-love coach, and founder of Mawu’s Goddess Mystery School. Abiola’s calling is to help empower you to become who you were born to be and is the author of both the book “African Goddess Initiation” and deck, “African Goddess Rising Oracle Cards.” In this conversation, we speak about tuning into and pursuing your calling, activating the goddess within and accessing ancestral wisdom.

Apr 06, 2023
What Happens to a Dream Deferred? Stop Waiting! Goddess Temple Sunday

Everyone has dreams, big or small, that they hope to achieve someday. Whether it’s starting your own business, traveling the world, or simply learning a new skill, these aspirations are what keep us motivated and give us a sense of purpose. However, too often, we find ourselves waiting for the “right time” to pursue our dreams, waiting for the stars to align, or waiting for the perfect opportunity. But what if we stopped waiting and started taking action towards our goals? Here are a few reasons why you should stop waiting and start chasing your dreams today. Life is short The sad reality is that life is short, and there are no guarantees of tomorrow. If you keep waiting for the “right time” to start pursuing your dreams, you may end up regretting that you never took action when you had the chance. So instead of waiting for the perfect moment, seize the day, and start taking steps towards your goals. You’ll be glad you did. There’s never a perfect time There’s no such thing as a perfect https://womanifesting.com/perfectionist-overcome-perfectionism/ time to start pursuing your dreams. There will always be obstacles, challenges, and distractions along the way. So instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, accept that there will be ups and downs, and be prepared to adapt and adjust your plans as needed. You’ll learn and grow along the way When you start pursuing your dreams, you’ll inevitably encounter challenges https://womanifesting.com/manifest-love-with-eft-tapping-meditation-the-love-you-deserve-video/ and obstacles. But these challenges can also be opportunities for growth and learning. You’ll develop new skills, gain experience, and become more resilient as you work towards your goals. Even if you don’t achieve your ultimate dream, the journey itself can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. You’ll inspire others When you start pursuing your dreams, you become an inspiration to others. Your courage and determination can inspire others to chase their own dreams and take action towards their goals. By following your passions and sharing your journey, you may be helping others to overcome their own fears and self-doubts. You’ll have no regrets Finally, if you stop waiting and start pursuing your dreams today, you’ll have no regrets. Even if you don’t achieve everything you set out to do, you’ll know that you gave it your all and that you didn’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back. You’ll be proud of yourself for taking action and chasing your dreams. In conclusion, don’t wait any longer to start pursuing your dreams. Life is short, there’s never a perfect time, you’ll learn and grow along the way, you’ll inspire others, and you’ll have no regrets. So take that first step today, and start working towards your goals. You never know what amazing things you’ll accomplish if you just take the first step.

Mar 16, 2023