The Devil Within



The podcast THE DEVIL WITHIN returns with A Season in Hell...
In the late 1970's New York City had it all: Hip Hop, Punk Rock... and the Son of Sam. The third season of The Devil Within takes listeners into the belly of the beast and explores the wicked origins, reign of terror and ultimate capture of one of the most feared serial killers in history.
With exclusive interviews from journalists, FBI agents, historians and mental health experts this season promises to be the most comprehensive - and most terrifying - account of how one man brought New York City to a standstill.

Season 1: The brutal slaying of BETTY ANN SULLIVAN shocked the small town of Jefferson Township, New Jersey. The violence of that evening shocked the nation for the perpetrator... was her own son, a boy of fourteen who would take his own life only hours later. What the investigation revealed left a community in tatters, unwilling to believe the evil that had befallen them.
Season 2: In 1974 after experiencing financial hardship, Michael Taylor joined a local church in the rolling hills of Northern England. 
After falling in love with a young, beautiful preacher, Michael’s personality began to change. The mild-mannered family man became abusive and unhinged. His new church believed he was possessed by no fewer than 48 demons and would require an exorcism to save his soul and protect his family from evil. But the supposed remedy would come at a very steep price...

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106 episodes

Back to School: A History of the Satanic Panic - Part Two

The PMRC and its influence on politics and pop culture is explored; as well as its attempt to staunch the flow of Satanism that was spreading like wildfire across the country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Sep 06
Back to School: A History of the Satanic Panic - Part One

Today we begin a brief history that's at the center of this entire podcast: The Satanic Panic. From it's beginnings in a shrink's office n Canada to it's effects still prevalent today, we're going to explore what caused it and why it became such a powerful force in society. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Sep 04
Ticket to Hell

A brutal, ritualistic murder of an innocent teen in Northern California... why? Well, because her killers wanted to be rock stars. The satanic slaying of Elise Pahler still illicit strong feelings almost thirty years later... find out why, only on The Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 30
My Hometown - Part Three

In this episode, yet another murderer from Jefferson Township is profiled... and a startling discovery sheds a whole new light on an entire generation of J-Towners. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 28
My Hometown - Part Two

As the num bar of murderers hailing from Jefferson is investigated a little more closely... the case involving Colin Abbot needs to be discussed. What drove this man to the unthinkable? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 23
My Hometown - Part One

In advance of a brand new season of The Devil Within we're circling back to where it all began - Jefferson Township, New Jersey - for a handful of episodes that reveal this small town is more than just Tommy Sullivan... much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 21
Bigfoot... Really? Okay...

Today we take a quick tour through the highlights of the Bigfoot fascination in America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 16
The Beasts of Satan

Italy in the late 90's was nearly overrun with Satanic sects at odd with eh all powerful Catholic Church. In the city of Milan, however, for a period of six years the Satanists seemed to have won... found out why only on The Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 14
The Minitel Killer

Online dating in the early 90's? Oh yeah, and it got as ugly as you think it did. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 09
Once Upon a Time... in Nazi Occupied France.

Of all the horrors of Europe during World War II, the one you may not have heard about involves a mad man that the press dubbed Dr. Satan. Find out why, only on The Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 07

My series honoring the Olympics host city of Paris continues with a look at some of France's most enduring monster myths. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Aug 02
The Paris Vampire

In honor of the Games of the 33rd Olympiad we at The Devil Within offer you a series of stories that take place in Paris, the host city of the 2024 Summer Olympics... enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 31
Campfire Stories - Part Four

The Summer Series continues... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 26
Campfire Stories - Part Three

Our summer series continues with more stories to scare the kids... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 25
Campfire Stories - Part Two

The summer continues with two more classic spooky stories to share around the campfire... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 19
Campfire Stories - Part One

Spooky stories around the campfire are an American institution... here are some of the most enduring, fear inducing tales of horror that have terrified kids for generations. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 17
Vampires of the North

The 80's were a strange time for the occult and it seems like everyone got in the game... even vampires. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 13
The Atlas Vampire

A brief history of blood sucking monsters... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 10
Have You Seen a UFO? - Part Two

The countdown concludes with some mind blowing stories that come to us straight from our own military... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 06
Have You Seen a UFO?

I'm breaking my silence after almost 30 years... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jul 03
The Mysterious Case of Carl Pruitt

When Carl Pruitt died by his own hand... his wrath was just beginning. Is it possible for a cursed object to commit murder? After hearing the facts of this case, you just might change your mind... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 29
What I Did On My Summer Break - Part Three

Day four in Phoenix... ghost hunting. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 26
What I Did On My Summer Break - Part Two

A haunted Hotel? Check. A historic property with a dark past? Check. my vacation to the desert is starting to heat up in more ways than one... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 21
What I Did On My Summer Break - Part One

Ahhh... Arizona in the summertime. Or, should I say AHHHHH! Arizona in the summertime?! A family trip turns into a hunt fro mythical beasts... join me in the search, this week on The Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 19
Cursed Canvas

Can a painting be haunted? Many believe that a painting of a sorrowful child can cause the owner's house to burn down... or that the subject contained within a canvas can cone alive a night and live int he real world. Hear these stories and more on today's epidote of The Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 14
The Curse of the Impostor Stone

The Black Prince's Ruby has been thought to carry a dreadful curse for almost 800 years... but is there any truth to the suspicion? Find out today on The Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 12
The Pharaoh's Curse - Part Two

Is there such a thing as a curse imposed on anyone who disturbs the rest of an Egyptian Pharaoh? It sure seems like it... but what does science say? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 07
The Pharaoh's Curse

The discovery of the tomb of King Tut led to unexpected and lethal consequences for many of the team that were present when he tomb was finally opened... but is there any truth to the rumored Pharaoh's Curse? Find out today on The Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jun 05
Haunted Hollywood - Part Five: Exorcise This

William Friedkin's classic horror film The Exorcist has been rumored to have been cursed, and it's easy to see why: multiple deaths, injuries... even the request for an exorcism to be performed on set only bolster the case that something unexplained was going on. Find out if the set of the greatest horror movie of all time was haunted itself! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

May 31
Haunted Hollywood: Part Four - The Dark Side of the Rainbow

The horror show that was the production of the classic film The Wizard of Oz is explored: the allegations of abuse, on set accidents, and a potential suicide have endured as long as the film has captured the imagination of audiences... but what's true? Find out on the Devil Within. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

May 29