Explains the custom of a Kevater at a bris and the escorts at a wedding and why we don't use a womean who is pregnent?
The Ultimate Level of Connection: Becoming One with Hashem not to Enrich Our Existence
The Status of the Korban Chavitin: Daily Offering by the Kohen Gadol, Half in the Morning and Half in the Afternoon
The confidence Mordechai derived from the verses recited by the three children.
Explains the significance of the Mishkan, the two Beit Hamikdash (Temples), and the concept of the third eternal Beit Hamikdash.
Explaining the Ruling of the Rambam: On Shabbat, Lanterns Were Not Carried During Beis Hamikdash Inspections
Why Girgashi Nation Isn't Included Among the Six Nations Occupying Canaan
The Significance of Hashem Revealing the Knot of His Tefillin to Moshe
The Kohanim Must Wear All Special Garments When Serving Before Hashem: Two Essential Instructions
Even greater than his connection to the Torah, Moshe Rabbeinu's connection to the Jewish people was profound.
King Solomon Constructed a Chamber Beneath the Holy of Holies to Conceal the Ark
The Design of the Menorah: Goblets Upside Down, Branches Emerging Diagonally from the Central Post Instead of a Half-Circle Formation
How we learn to treat others from the Torah's command not to go on steps onto the mizbaiach.
Why Didn't Moshe Personally Participate in the War Against Amalek?
Why is it a Chabad Custom not to eat bread during the third meal on Shabbat?
Halakhic Discussion on Sale of Chametz and Declaration of Hefker
The simple and midrashic interpretation of the verses in Vaeira on Avraham.
The benefit of Yakov telling his sons when the end of days will be.
When in exile, and it seems that we are lacking in the revealed powers, we get to experience the essence of the soul.